This article appeared in In the ABC News of Australia.
An island in the Bay of Bengal, claimed for years by both India and Bangladesh, appears to have vanished beneath rising seas.
Scientists in Calcutta say satellite images show the island is now fully under water.
It is known to the Indians as New Moore Island and to the Bangladeshis as South Talpatti Island.
There has never been a permanent settlement there as the island only ever reached two metres above sea level.
What do you think this might mean as regards our planet?
Miss Florence,
I am very impressed about what happened in the island of
New Moore island or South Talpatti island. I have some doubts about the island. How could water cover all an island? Why did nether India nor Bangladeshis try to save the island from drawing? Why didn't they realize before that the island was drawing? I think it is important to try to raise up the piece of earth benith the water. By the way answering the question I think it is important to stop the contamination in the planet. This might be a signal to show the global warming in earth. SO HELP THE PLANET AND THE GLOBAL WARNING, by cleaning the planet.
Bye Miss Florence, keep on blogging.
Alejo. N
PS: Yesterday people turned off their electricity to HELP THE PLANET. This might be an act that can change the world if we all collaborate.
Hi florence
How such an enormous place disapear like that?
Did people lived there?
very intresting but I don t have an idea who it could desapere perhaps it is under the water I dont know
thats strange and incredible at the same time. How did that happend???
see you later
Hello Miss Florence!!
Wow... I can't imagine the amount of water that could cover all that island! This could be a sign the Earth is sending us to stop the contamination on water, earth, sky and even in the undergorund! I mean we can't let this happen again with other islands on the world...
How strange... now that I think so... isn't this what other countries would be warned about? Why do we keep doing this with enough disasters in the world? This in the future... could be extremly dangerous?
Well... all we know is that we have to keep a eye out on the water surface.
Waiting for more posts... Alina.
i think the planet is traying to say us something like global warning because we are contaminating too much.
but i am still doubting how did the island dissapeard?
bye, justina.p
Hello Miss Florence
I think its incredible what its happening to the world know and I think its because of the GLOBAL WARNING.
Hello Miss Florence
I think its incredible what is happening to the world and I think it's because of the Global Warning.
Miss Florence,
This is hugely strange. How can an island dissapear?, or how can an island be in the surface and in one second don't exist more?, it is very strange. Poor the people who lived there, suffering a dessapearing of their land. This can be a sign of a terrible dissaster for the world. Contamination can be the reason why this happen. I mean that the contamination may grow the global warming. This is very serious and can change a lot of things in the Earth.
Hi Florence
Im very surprised on what hada happend
How can a enourmous land can disappear???
Hi Miss Florence!
What would happend to that island?, Imagen people there, when the city "disapear"..pure people
Flor 6c
miss florence,
it is so interesting to
know that an island
ArtuElsztain 6c
hi miss florence
I really want to know how it dissapear but i think there two ways one maybe it sink the island and 2 maybe tsunamis coverded it or somthing tell me then what scientits find out about it
jusnchi.c 6a
i didnt new it its very interesting and impresibe.
i allsow support you in saving the worldddd and global worming
emilia.h =ñ
For me what is hapening in the is very dangerous. Bautista C
for me is the global worming and many people can die. Maxi b
What is happening is a great risk because if an island desapiers many animals and people could die.
For me many people and animals are dying because the global worming.Lucas M
Dear Florence,
I am really impressed about this new thing that you put. It is pretty amazing that a land despired and now is underwater...
Bye Miss Florence, and keep putting interesting things, that I will check the blog whenever I can.
See you on science and history.
Milagros F.
wat a pain that the island went under the water and it is incredible that the water could coaver a hole island
In this moment I can´t inmagine the islands underwather
It is amasing, I mean .... first this then Haiti then Chile and after...?
I hope nothing else happens
Ill keep making comments
Sofi L. 6A Pchica
Hi Miss Florence
I think WE have to start looking after ower city we have to take care if not we are going to get in trouble . WE HAVE TO STOP CONTAMINATING it's BAAD. well I hope one day ALL city could put and efort AND STOP CONTAMINATING and USING ELECTRICITY FOR NOTHING !
a kiss
sofi f 6c
Hi Miss Florence
I am so interested about the island that dissapaered under the sea. I think its funny and sad. Sad because people died and that island was beautiful. And funny because all were fighting to get the island and when they were confused.
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C
Hello Miss Florence,
I didnt knew a thing about it, how could the sea cover all the island that is cientifically imposible. So that these doesnt happen again we need to stop treating bad the planet and its system.
Lucia Leporati 6a
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