Día del Investigador Científico
"El 10 de abril se recordó a todos los científicos argentinos en homenaje a Bernardo Houssay."
I read this piece of news in the newspaper... But...
Who was Bernardo Houssay? Find out and write 3 things about him in a comment here!
This is a COMPULSORY POST due April 23rd!
Hi Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes melliutus. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Great contribution to Argentine Science!!!!
See you tomorrow, Regards
Axel G
Hi miss florence
this are the three things
1.he was an Argentine physiologist
2.he received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
3.He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences
see you
sofi.k 6a fleming
hi florence bernardo husay studied medicine , he discoverd de gloocose and he was the first argentine to win a novel price miguel fasce
Bernardo Alberto Houssay (April 10, 1887–September 21, 1971)
He was an Argentine physiologist
he in 1947 with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals
Andres J.
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes melliutus. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes melliutus. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
hi mis florence
bernardo Houssay was ....
1) He studied Physiology in University's School of Veterinary Medicine
2he is the author of over 500 papers and of several books
3) He won the 1 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on 1947
Clara A 6 B
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. Dr. Houssay is the author of over 500 papers and of several books. He has won many prizes ranging in time from that of the National Academy of Sciences, Buenos Aires, in 1923, to the Dale Medal of the Society of Endocrinology (London) in 1960.
He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Santi B
hello miss florence :
1: Bernardo Houssay was an Argentine physiologist.
2: Bernardo Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887.
3:Bernardo Houssay received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation.
Santi.S 6b p chica
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in the year 1887, 10th of April and died in 1971, September the 21st. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was a scientist, pharmacist, doctor and physiologist. In his life full of discoveries, he was awarded with the Nobel Prize for Physiology (Medicine) in 1947, also becoming the first argentine and South American rewarded one of the Nobel Prizes for any of the sciences (Physiology, Chemistry and Physics).
His family was French. Houssay finished the primary in 2 years and graduated from Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires’ secondary at the age of 13. He graduated a pharmacist at 17, being a doctor for 23 years two years after starting to tutor in the University of Buenos Aires.
In 1945, Houssay published a Human Physiology, a book that would be translated to other languages.
Houssay invented the Experimental Institute of Biology and Medicine. Since then, together with his colleagues, he elaborated more than a thousand reports concerning nutrition, endocrinology, pharmacology, pancreas, hypertension, diabetes amongst others. Houssay was also president of the Argentine Association for Scientific Progress, the National Medical Academy, the Argentine Association of Biology and the International Diabetes Federation.
Makena B.C. 6C
Hi miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay was a physiologist
He recieved a noble prize with Carl Ferdinand and Gerty Cori for their discovery of the role played by puituitary hormones in regulating the amount the blood sugar in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
hi mis florece here are the three things
*he studied physiology
*won a novel prize.
*He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Tomas D
Hi Miss Florence!
Bernardo Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 10 of 1887. He recived a Noble Price in Physiology. His early education was at a private school, the Colegio Británico.
Caro B
Hi miss Florence,
Bernando Houssay
1) Was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887
2) He then entered the School of Pharmacy of the University of Buenos Aires at the exceptionally early age of 14, graduating in 1904
3) He had been active in promoting the advancement of university and medical education.
Mili P......
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887
Recived Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals.
September 21, 1971 (aged 84)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Born: April 10, 1887(1887-04-10)
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Died: September 21, 1971 (aged 84)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nationality: Argentine
Fields: Physiology, Endocrinology
Notable awards Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (1947) also of animal glucose.
hello Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes melliutus. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Lucia g
Hy Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay was am Argentine physiologist who in 1947 with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
Lots of Love
Vicky M 6A
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was the first Latin American scientist awarded the Nobel Prize. The National Academy of Sciences of Sweden awarded him in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery about the role of the pituitary gland (endocrine placed directly on the brain) in the metabolism of carbohydrates and its relationship to diabetes.
Hello Miss Florence: Bernardo Houssay, was the first Latin American to win a noble prize in 1947 in science. He studied Psicology.In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Physiology in the University's School of Veterinary Medicine. During this time he had been doing hospital practice and, in 1913, became Chief Physician at the Alvear Hospital. In addition to this he was also in charge of the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology and Pathology in the National Department of Hygiene from 1915 to 1919. It is incredible all Bernardo Houssay did and he was of our country¡¡¡ See you Franco.r 6B
Hi miss florence,
Bernardo Houssay was the first latinoamerican distinguished to the nobel prize(physiology or medicine). He won it because he discovered an hypophysis in the metabolism of carbohydrates and its relacin with the diabetes.
marco s
Miss Florence: Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He was an Argentine physiologist, he reicived the Nobel Price for Physiology and he was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laurate in the Sciences.
See you tomorrow
Nico C
Hi Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay is the first cientific latinoamerican with the nobel price of medicine.He is a decendet of Franch people.He was an argentine physiologist.
1.he was an Argentine physiologist
2.he recieved an important price called the nobel prize of Physiology
3.Houssay’s worked in many fields of physiology, such as the nervous, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems
bye bye florence hope you like it
marcos eis 6B
*Bernardo Hussay was the first south american cientific with Premio Nobel.
*Bernardo was author of 500 cience papers.
*He was born in the 10th of April of 1887.
Hi Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay holds a honorary of twenty-five universities and is a member of the Argentine National Academy of Medicine, the Academy of Letters, the National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires, the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Buenos Aires, and of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He is honorary professor of 15 universities. He has been decorated by the governments of several countries. And most important of all he recieved the Nobel Prize of Medicine.
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology.
He was from Argentina.
And he was the first Latin American
to win a Nobel price of Science.
hi miss florence
Bernardo Houssay
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887, one of the eight children of Dr. Albert and Clara (née Laffont) Houssay, who had come to Argentina from France. His father was a barrister. His early education was at a private school, the Colegio Británico. He then entered the School of Pharmacy of the University of Buenos Aires at the exceptionally early age of 14, graduating in 1904. He had already begun studying medicine and, in 1907, before completing his studies, he took up a post in the Department of Physiology. He began here his research on the hypophysis which resulted in his M.D.-thesis (1911), a thesis which earned him a University prize.
Hello miss florenece here is some information of Bernando Houssay:
Bernardo Alberto Houssay he was an Argentine physiologist who in 1947 with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
well, bye justina 6b
Hi Miss Florence Bernardo Hussay was the first latinamerican scientist to be honoured with the Nobel Prize. He discovered the hipofisis role in the metabolism of the carbohydrates.He created the Experimental Institute of Biology and Medicine
Bye Marina
Hi florence
He studied physiology.
He was the first latin american to win the nobel prize, it was of medicine or phisology.
He was born on the 10 Aipril of 1887 in Argentina, Buenos Aires
Teo .A
Bernardo Houssay´s father was a barrister. In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Physiology. He was also in charge of the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology and Pathology in the National Department of Hygiene from 1915 to 1919.
Mechi G.
Miss Florence:
He has worked in almost every field of physiology.
Apart from his research, he has been active in promoting the advancement of university and medical education, and of scientific research, in Argentina.
Dr. Houssay is the author of over 500 papers and of several books.
Hello Mis Florence
his are the 3 things that i could find and it was important
# Bernardo houssay recived the nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine.
# He is the first Argentine and Latin American to recive a nobel prize in Science.
# He studied Physiology in University's School of Veterinary.
Bye Francisco.gr 6C
Hi Miss Florence
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887, one of the eight children of Dr. Albert and Clara (née Laffont) Houssay, who had come to Argentina from France. His father was a barrister. His early education was at a private school, the Colegio Británico. He then entered the School of Pharmacy of the University of Buenos Aires at the exceptionally early age of 14, graduating in 1904. He had already begun studying medicine and, in 1907, before completing his studies, he took up a post in the Department of Physiology. He began here his research on the hypophysis which resulted in his M.D.-thesis (1911), a thesis which earned him a University prize.
In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Physiology in the University's School of Veterinary Medicine. During this time he had been doing hospital practice and, in 1913, became Chief Physician at the Alvear Hospital. In addition to this he was also in charge of the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology and Pathology in the National Department of Hygiene from 1915 to 1919. In 1919 he became Professor of Physiology in the Medical School at Buenos Aires University..He married Dr. Maria Angelica Catan, a chemist, who died in 1962. They have three sons, Alberto, Hector, and Raul. He won The Nobel Prize of Physiology in 1947. He died on 1972 at the age of 84.
Hi Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology, he won a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
He writed many books, very good ones...
He was born in Argentina, Buenos Aires, on April 10th, 1887.
hi mis florence
he was born on april 10, 1887
he won an noble pricee
he studi physiology an he was born on argentina
Hi Miss Florence,
The three things he did where an Argentine physiologist, winner of Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine and the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology. He was born the 10th of april on 1887. He wrote many books.
PD: Sorry I send another mail without name so I send you this one.
Hello Miss Florance
Bernardo Houssay recived the Novel Price Phisiology or Medicine, he won it forfor their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences. He was an Argentine phisologyst. He worked in the alvear hospital.
Bye see you
Valentina P. 6a Olivos
Hi Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay was the first Argentine or Latinoamerican winning a psicology nobel prize. He studied psicology, and he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on pituitary gland hormones that affect carbohydrate metabolism
kisses sol
Hi miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay was a prominent scientist born in Argentina in 1887. He investigated almost every field in physiology. He has made a lifelong study of the hypophysis and his most important discovery concerns the role of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis in carbohydrate metabolism and the onset of diabetes. He received a Novel prize in 1947 and was the first Argentine in winning it.
One of the most important discoveries of Argentina's science.
Bye Guido 6b
Hy miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay was a physiologist
He recieved a noble prize with Carl Ferdinand and Gerty Cori for their discovery of the role played by puituitary hormones in regulating the amount the blood sugar in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
Francesca m 6A
Hi Miss Florece
the first things are:
1.He is the first latin american to win a Nobel prize in science.
2.He was an Argentine physiologist.
3.He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences.
by Andy k.
Hello Miss Florence
These are three important things that he did:
1)He was the first latinoamerican cientist that won the Nobel prize.
2)He was an argentinian physiologist.
3)Was born on April the 10 of 1887 and died 21 of september of 1971.
He was born the same day as I.
Hi miss florence,
1. He studied physcology
2. He recived a nobel price in physiology or Medicine
3. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
Bye see you tomorrow in sience.
Agustina Feit
hi miss florence
.he was born inargentina in april 10
.he studied physiology
.he recived the novel prize in physiology
.he was the firt argentins and latin america novel prize in science
Nicola Stuart
6a pchica
Hi Miss Flo
Bernardo Alberto Houssay (April 10, 1887–September 21, 1971) was an Argentine physiologist who in 1947 with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences
Bye Bye
Agostina.G dodds
Hi Miss Florence,
1) Houssay was intensely interested inevery aspect of physiology, from the cardiovascular to the respiratory to thegastrointestinal systems.
2) But his major accomplishments resulted from his studies of the endocrine system.
3)His research received an important role of insulin in the development of diabetes.
See you!
Vicky 6B
Hello Miss Florence!
Bernardo Houssay studied physiology. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes melliutus. He was the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel Prize in Science.
It is great!!
See you in class.. hugs and kisses
belu b. 6B fleming
Hello Miss Florence,
1)Bernardo Houssay was an Argentine Physiologist.
2)He was the first Argentine and Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
3)Bernardo Houssay worked in many fields of physiology, such as the nervous, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems.
Bye Miss Florence see you.
Julia.S 6ºA
miss florence,
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887, one of the eight children of Dr. Albert and Clara (née Laffont) Houssay, who had come to Argentina from France. His father was a barrister. His early education was at a private school, the Colegio Británico. He then entered the School of Pharmacy of the University of Buenos Aires at the exceptionally early age of 14, graduating in 1904. He had already begun studying medicine and, in 1907, before completing his studies, he took up a post in the Department of Physiology. He began here his research on the hypophysis which resulted in his M.D.-thesis (1911), a thesis which earned him a University prize.
sofia dithurbide 6A
Bernardo Alberto Houssay:
He was born the 10 of april of 1887 in Argentina. Bernardo Alberto Houssay was the first cientific latin american to be distinguished in the Nobel Prize. In 1910 he worked as a university teacher in the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary. In 1915 he became a section chief in the Bacteriological Institute of Hygiene Department. He died on the 21 of September in 1971.
1)In Buenos Aires on April 10 in 1887 Bernardo Houssay was born.
2) He taught French.
3)He died the 21 of september in 1971.
Hi Miss Florence this are the three things about :
Bernardo Alberto Houssay
1. He was born on April 10 in 1887 and on the 21 of September of 1971 he died.
2. He worked as a scientific, a pharmacist, a doctor and an argentine physiologist .
3.he received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation.
see you
Michelle C
Hi Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay (1887-1962)
He studied physiology.In 1990 he got the role of professor of Physiology in the Uiversity School of Veterinary Medicine.
In 1913 he became Chief Physician at the Alvear Hospital.He worked in almost every field of physiology.Some of the things he studied were physiology of circulation and respieration, the processes of immunity, the nervous system, digestion and snake and spider venoms.Apart from all his research he helped in promoting the advancement of university and medical education in Argentina.
See you,
Lucas G.
Here are the three tings that Bernardo Houssay did:
1)he was an Argentine physiologist
2)he received Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
3)He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in the Sciences
Nicky BERK
hy Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay started studing in the university when he was 17 years old. He won a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of 1947, was on the experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis gland in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes mellitus. He was Argentine.
Hi miss florence,
*He studied physiology
*He recived a nobel price in physiology or medicine for doing an experimental invetigation.
*Bernardo Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887.
Born in April 10 , 1887
He graduated on age of 14
He became a professor of physiology at Medical school at BS AS
hr got mary and had 3 suns
He died in 1962
bye Benjamin Sanchez Lopez
Hi Miss Florence
Bernardo Houssay was borned in Argentine,Buenos Aires
He recived a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of 1947, was on the experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis gland in the metabolism of carbohydrates, particularly in diabetes mellitus.
He begun the University at 17 years old
Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay it was a :
1)an argentine physiologist
2)He was the first latin american to win the nobel prize.
Artu Elsztain 6c
Miss Florence;I think this is academy in interesant for me because i don't know anything aout argentine scientifics.He was the first latin scientific that got the novel price.He was recognized by the Suitzerland academy in medicine and fisiology.He and an other persons fundate the CONICET.
Florence here i have importants things of Bernando Houssay.
His most important discovery concerns the role of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis in carbohydrate metabolism and the onset of diabetes.
He has worked on many other topics in physiology and pharmacology, including the physiology of circulation and respiration, the processes of immunity, the nervous system, digestion, and snake and spider venoms.
He holds honorary degrees of twenty-five universities and is a member of the Argentine National Academy of Medicine, the Academy of Letters, the National Academy of Sciences of Buenos Aires, the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Buenos Aires, and of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Marcos Pizzolo 6B
Hi Miss Florence
Three things Bernardo Houssay did was that he was the first Latin American scientist awarded the Nobel Prize, he was born on April 10 of 1887 and he studied phusiology.
See you
Flora 6a
Hi Florence,
Bernardo houssay won the first nobel price in Latin American.
he was physiologer.
he was born in Argentina on April 10th of 1887.
Lucas Muir 6A
Hi Miss Florance,
I think that Bernerdo Houssay was or studied physilogyand medicine to do experimental investigations. Also he won a nobel prize.
hi miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay was an Argentine physiologist, he discovered the glucose and he was the first Argentine and Latin american in winning a Nobel Prize in Science,
Thank you.
Fausti VT
Hi florence this article is very interesting, BERNARDO HOUSSAY studied philosophy, and he was the first argentine and latin american that won a nobel prize of science.
Hi Florence
1.Bernardo Houssay taught French
2.He was From Argentina
3.He won the novel price of Sience
Bautista .C
Hi Miss Florence,
My 3 things are:
1. He was the first Argentine to recieve a Nobel Prize in Science
2. He began here his research on the hypophysis which resulted in his M.D.-thesis (1911), a thesis which earned him a University prize.
3. He recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for doing an experimental investigation of the role of the anterior hypophysis galnd in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
Bye Lourdes Undem 6c
hi miss florence
1- he was a physiology
2- he noble prize
3-in the univercity he won an honor degreehim
that is what I know about him
by miss florence
milagros s.g brown 6c olivos
Hello Miss Florence:
1.BERNARO HOUSSAY was the first Latinamerican scientist to be awarded with the Nobel prize for his experimental investigation of the role of the hypophisis gland and the metabolism of carbohydrates, specially related to diabetes.
2.He was one of the founders of the CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientìficas y Tècnicas) and its president till he died.
3.His work can be seen and remembered at the Museo Houssay, which functions in the house where he used to live, which was donated by his family.
Hi Miss Florence,
Bernardo Houssay was born on 10 of april of 1887 and died on 21 of september of 1971, he was scientist, pharmacist, physician and physiologist. He won the Nobel Prize in 1947.In 1919 he founded the Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires.Bernardo Houssay was president of the Argentina Association for the Advancement of Science, National Academy of Medicine, Argentina Society of Biology and the International Diabetes Federation.
See you on monday, nice weekend!!
Flor 6c
Miss Florence,
This are three things about Bernardo Houssay.
1. He was the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize
2. He was born in April 10 1887 and in his honor April 10 is the Day of the Scientific Investigator in Argentina.
3. He recived a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine because he discovered the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of sugar (glucose) in animals
Manuel 6b
Bernardo Houssay was an Argentine phisiologist who in 1947 with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerti Cori recived a nobel prize for phisiology or medicine for their discovery of the roled played by pituitary hormones in regulating the sugar (glucose) in animals. He is the first Argentine and Latin American Nobel laureate in Sciences
Hi Miss Florence
1. Fernando Houssay was a physiology of argentina.
2. He won a novel price of medicine and physiology.
3. He was born in Buenos Aires Argentina on April 10 1887.
And something extra my great grand father also worked with him who was also a very important physiology.
Bye Thank you
Juli M. 6B
hi miss florence i send you an email with the info. about bernardo alberto houssay but i didnt found it so im sending anotherone:
Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, 1887, He then entered the School of Pharmacy of the University of Buenos Aires at the exceptionally early age of 14, graduating in 1904.He has worked in almost every field of physiology, having a special interest in the endocrine glands. He has made a lifelong study of the hypophysis and his most important discovery concerns the role of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis in carbohydrate metabolism and the onset of diabetes.And he won the nobel prize.His patner was Dr Taquini
thank you ana D
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