I had never experienced a storm like this one... to think that a few minutes before my sons and I had been watching the beautiful lightning in the sky...
Do you have any stories to share about this storm?
Once again... What is Nature trying to tell us!
Hi Miss Florence
I was in may club in san isidro (sic) there were very big and broke the the tiles of the changing rooms and the tiles that were on the floor. The cars were all broken and the glasses were distroyed. There were loud noises and you couldn't talk because the knocking ice against the metal of the roof, it was so loud that you couldent talk
Bye Miss Florence Tobias.M
It is vert
what hapened.
WOW!! miss florence what a hale some of them where in my garden and in some chairs outside.I live in olivos too and hopefully nothing happened to my house nor my car but the ventilation tube was a little brocken.
I look forward to the results on the tests.And to see you
Ana 6a
Hello Miss Florence!
I have a story to tell you....
Yesterday Sunday 18 I was watching tv and I was watching a channel and emediatly it stopped working and I looked throught the window and saw that there were thunder.. soy I went to my mother´s bedroom with her. In 2 minuits the lights went of so, I was very scared! The lights didn´t came when there were 3 hours. So we didn´t had anything to do so with my mother we went downstair to see the car and we saw 5 cars witch the glass was all broken and there we saw rocks of 12 centimeters and they were SUPER HEAVY!and we got 6 rocks of that type and went back to my house... My mother wen to see the Gym of his boyfriend and it was all broken..I was very exited and I went to the balcon and saw that the garden was full of rocks!! white... When we were eating dinner the lights came again.. I was super happy and I wnt to sleep!
kisses see you in class
Belu b 6B
Hello Miss Florence,
I can't believe the storm!!!! And the hail was tremendous... it maked a sound that was like rocks falling from the sky! Well, here is the story I am going to tell you: I was getting dressed ready to go to see TV when suddenly rain started to start and then I thought: ``Ha, it is another not so dreadful rain´´ But suddenly a very bad noise started to sound on the roof and the windows and my granny jumped from bed and start to shout: ``Rocks! I mean Hail! Hail is falling!´´(but in spanish) and then I felt very scared so I went into my room and then peeked from the window and saw the most biggest Hail in the world! they were more big than a normal rock! And when they crashed in the window or the streat, it broke and then seperated in three different hails! I wasn't more scared in my life than in that day...
Well here is my version on the ''Hail story''. I will keep an eye out on new posts!
Hi Florence yesturday the hails broke two windows of my house and the car of my mother was all bubumpt because of the storm.
Bye Florence Belen.D
hi miss florence
I have many stories but I am not going tu tell them now because they are tio long,
when you red us the ark god had tolled that he would not send a flood like that never again, but for me as he promised that he is not going to break his word obviosly so instead of the flood he sent us this amazing storm...
lots of love...
sofi.k 6ºa
Hello florence:
Yesterday sunday 18 it was my birthday and when the birthday finish I went to do my homework and suddenly it started raining and three seconds later we startes to hear a lot of noise so we went up stairs to see if my brothes windo had broken (his windo is up in the roof) it was not broken but it make a lot of noise so with my sister we went running to the kithchen with my dog that she was very scared. When it stoped raining we went with my sister to walk with the boots and it was fabulose. Today when we were going to school we saw all the street lamps all broken we couldnt belive that. Well thats all. Bye Bye
Agustina Feit
Yesterday I was in Pilar, where there was a storm but fortunally no hailstone had fell.Ì can`t believe the hail`s size!!! I think that nature is trying to tell us that if we continue contaminating the panet the future will be worst
Santi B
hello miss florence i have a story for you i was on my car coming for my country side in pilar.
we when on the car and suddenly my sistter tells me she has seen a electric thunder. i turned and saw one is was impresive!!!
But i didnt falled hail on my builting because we went out of pilar at 6:00 pm and got to my house at 7:58pm it was a long trip.
but when we got to our building you heard noises like if rocks coming of the sky.
thanks god, it didnt fall hail in my car..
well lucky me, bye justina 6b
hi mis flo in my house there is a dissaster. In some parts of the house there were things broken and the car of my mother and you????
agostina. g
Hi Miss Florence when the strom came I was ready to go out for dinner.I started hearing a strange noise but as I was ready I opened the door to go to the car and wait for my family.It was a very strong storm with huge hails falling from the sky so I told my family that we wouldn't be able to go.
So we stayed at home watching a movie.
Bye Florence Julia S.
Hi Miss. Florence
This was very strange, it happened in a sudden and only 30:00 minutes dure.
To my House didn´t happened Nothing, but tu a friend of my Brother, when he goes to bed he sees the Sky! Also is strange that look, in My House in Accasuso, all the hailstones weren´t biger than a little Ice Cube. In the School and in all Olivos, all the Houses are Destroyed. It is a Pitty that the weather pronostic didn´t anounced it.
See you.
Joaco B
To me didn´t happended Nothing, but in Olivos, I coulden´t belive it! All the Roofs are ale Brooken is a Disaster.
Joaco B
miss Florence that thing was incredeble
I couldent IMAGEN IT so big in my house only little peaces came in by see you
Miss Florence,
Me and my family where watching television, and then it stopped all of a sudden. My mum heared the rain and started worrying about out drain. You see, our balcony floods during strong storms, but as she was about to get up the window exploded! I have two borken windows in my flat now, one being in my room! Niot the best thing when you have a cold...
Megan 6B
wow! that is exacly like my stor but we where out of home and my granny was in her house very afraid. when the storm camed i told my father and the car! he told me it doesnt mater a have to pay each month for the car to be safty. im going to show some big ice i hace in my refrigerator.
kiss vani
Yes Miss Florence, I was in Sofi´s house And suddnly the rain came and the terreble noice too. Also I have tiles broken. And the glass of my car y like not with a hole but almost tthere.
Mechi G.
Hi miss Florence
I was in my house , I was seeing a football match and i started hearing something th at hit my roof so when i saw through the window I saw ice balls of a size of a tennis ball. I went down stairs and i saw that my car was all hit by the ice, my father went outside to put something to the car but it eas too late the storm had finished and my rook was al broke.
hi miss flourence in my house didnt rain but in my grandmother house they were enormous they make holes to the grass
i think that if one of that fell on your head it killed you!!
vale g olivos 6a
hi miss flouence in my house didnt even rain
vale g
Hi miss florence!!
It was terrible that storm, I was in the panamericana going to my mothers house and it started raining alot, so I thought it only was some little rain but then I heard a very big noice!!, it was the glass of my car that was broken,I was very very scared!!!
My father stoped a side the panamericana and coverthe glass with a blanket we had there and we stay there like 20 min.
Hi Miss Florence
I was playing in the computer when suddenly it started raining strongly and few minutes later I heard strong noises I got really scared and we went down staris inmediatly, when the lights got off.We went up stairs to watch threw the window and we saw how the hails were splashing in the pond it was scary. When the hail stopped we went up stairs and we haved a little window looking up and it was all broken, thanks god the cars were okay they were in the garage. Few minutes later we went out to the balcony and we had a metal chair and it had been broken by the hail and we looked threw the balcon and the hole city looked a mess all the rooftops of the houses were distroyed and all cars destroyed. Later my uncle phone home and told us he had been hurt by the hail thanks god he is okey.
This is going to be historical
Pierre 6a
HI Miss Florence
Luckuly in my house it was small hails but my cars were scrached
Lorenzo 6a
wow! what big ice peace the ones on my home werent so big!! and what a pitty it broke your rofe
from francisco.novas 6b pchica
hi miss flourence
in my house didn t rain but in my grandmothers house it did and in her garden there are lots of holes
vale g
Incredible Miss Florance, I can´t belive it was that big!!! Im really suprise cause Ilive in Peru Acassuso and everything is okey. Even though it fell ice in the zone, did you saw that the piece of ice you had in your hand occupied most of all your hand. It was a caos, today coming from shool Isaw piles and piles of pieces of the roofs. See you Bye
Valen p.
Hello Mrs Florence!!
In my house there also fell hail!!
In my house the hails were bigger than golf balls and in my garage ceiling(which is al made of galss) it came all down. My cat got very scared when the hail started falling. My neighbours cars were destroyed but thanks to a big tree I have in front of my houe my cars got safe.
Hi miss Florence
I live in the centro ( palermo ) the hail was nothing too important but my window was cracked and I got really scared
Hi Miss Florence
In my house I have in some places a roof that it is of glass and plastic. I have eight and seven of them broke. It was a disaster!!! I was very nervous and scared. A lot of hailstones were inside my house so my sister and I picked them up while my father and my mother were busy taking care if what was happening.
Caro B
Hello Miss FLORENCE,
My house is all broken you need to see it. My room its all watery,the roof its all with holes, the glass in the garaje and the two toillets are all broken with holes. My car has a big crash in the midle of the glass of the front and is all apojado, I dont now how to say it in english sorry............
Lucia Leporati 6a
WOWW that rocks are enormus I dont know how that ice can be so big.
When this happen I was in my house and I could hear the thunders and suddenly I start hearing like a rain but very strong so I went out and I saw that my mothers car was out and it was almost broaking all the car. It was tremendus
bye see you
juli m 6b
Hi Miss Florence:
That piece of ice was enormeous!I can't belived
It was incredible!!!!!!!!
lots of love
I didn t suffered because I live in a building so I was safe but I saw a lot of cars about to destruct. Is a shameee because some people are now living without a normal home because of the water and the rocks destroyed glasses of th cars and a lot of roofs.
hi miss Florence
my roof of my house is made of glass and its now full of holes
my car is full of cracks in the window its a disaster
I was in my hous when it happened. You should have heard the dogs, the were barking and jumping up amd down. A window broaf and I cut my finger on the glass. the tiels on my roof were breaking like glass they were so old. mow I still cant sleep in my own room because the roof is so damp and soggy that it could fall if it raind again in the next two weeks and the people that should be coming to fix aur roof and my room still havent come because they are to lazie to drive their trucks out here and fix our roof
harry jolly 6a
I was watching television when I started hearing the noices. There were as big us the one you had in your hand the light didn´t cut but i was very afraid.
WOW this is very shocking luckily nothing happened to our car but I hope it does not happen again
bye Miss Florence
Lucia G. 6a
I was in my house having dinner when it happend. My father and my mother went crazy because the 3 windows smashed and water was pouring in.
Mati 6c
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