This week, the Hubble Space Telescope turned 20 years old... And there is a lot of history behind it!
Please find out:
1. Who was Edwin Hubble.
2. What happened to the telescope as soon as it was launched into space?
3. Get into http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2010/13/video and watch these great videos.
Leave a comment in this post about your findings. It is compulsory. Closing date, May 7th!
Hello Miss Florence,
I have been investigating and this is what I founded:
1. Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies.He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift".
2.In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
I wanted to tell you that the 24 of april it was the birthday of my sister but in 2002.
Well Keep on bloging well go far.
Edwin Powell Hubble fue uno de los más importantes astrónomos estadounidenses del siglo XX, famoso principalmente por haber demostrado la expansión del universo midiendo el desplazamiento al rojo de galaxias distantes. Hubble es considerado el padre de la cosmología observacional aunque su influencia en astronomía y astrofísica toca muchos otros campos.
When finally the telescope launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality.
Santi B
Miss Florence Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies and the other information i couldn´t find it. sory
See you tomorrow
Miss Florence;
this is absolutely incredible.I didn't know it was a telescope in the space called Hubble.Edwin Hubble was an american scientific that reveled the existence of the galaxies as the Milky Way,ours.He also discover that the degree of Dopler Shift observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxies near the Earth.These relationship became as Hublle's law.He also find his own measurement to measure the galaxie.
By Florence.
Miss Florence;
the hubble's space telescope was launched in 1990 and orbiting 375 miles above the Earth.That was a crucial problem because it would a have provoted a flawed mirror.
By Florence
hi miss florence this is what I found...
Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way
Hubble was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster.
great pictures and very intresting people...
lots of love...
Miss Florence,
Edwin Hubble was born in November 20.
Died September 28, 1953 (aged 63) in
San Marino, California
was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" specifically "red shift" observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
That all what I know about Edwin Hubble
kiss vani
Hello Miss Florence
I think that this is a very interesting post. It is an exercise but by blog. JAJA
I think that every day I like more the blogs
This are the answers of the questions you asked:
1) Edwin Powell Hubble was born on November the 20th, of 1889 and he died on September the 28th, of 1953. He was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2)In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher. On the other hand, engineers used this time to perform extensive tests, swap out a possibly failure-prone battery, and make other improvements. Furthermore, the ground software needed to control Hubble was not ready in 1986, and in fact was barely ready by the 1990 launch.
Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
From its original total cost estimate of about US$400 million, the telescope had by now cost over $2.5 billion to construct. Hubble's cumulative costs up to this day are estimated to be several times higher still, with US expenditure estimated at between $4.5 and $6 billion, and Europe's financial contribution at €593 million (1999 estimate).
Hello Miss Florence
Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own.
When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality. Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely sharp images with almost no background light.
Ana D
Hello Miss Florence,
I have been looking for information and I found very interesting facts. Those are:
1. Who was Edwin Hubble?
Edwin Hubble was was an American astronomer who changed our view of the Universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. In 1929 he showed that galaxies are moving away from us with a speed proportional to their distance. The explanation is simple, but revolutionary: the Universe is expanding.
2. What happened to the telescope as soon as it was launched into space?
Originally set to launch in October 1986, the launch of the Hubble telescope was delayed for two years because of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. The shuttle that would put the Hubble into orbit finally launched on April 24, 1990.
When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality.
My opinion is that he was a very intelligent man!
Well, keep on posting,
Michelle 6C
Hi Miss Florence,
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way.
2. Hubble was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster. When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality. Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely sharp images with almost no background light. Hubble's Ultra Deep Field image, for instance, is the most detailed visible-light image ever made of the universe's most distant objects. Many Hubble observations have led to breakthroughs in astrophysics, such as accurately determining the rate of expansion of the universe.
Hubble is the only telescope ever designed to be serviced in space by astronauts.
Miss Florence, you are putting in the blog great posts, they are very interesting!!!!
See you,
Axel G
Hi Florence:
I found this:
1.Edwin Powell Hubble was the first astronomer to find observable evidence that the universe is expanding, a discovery which helped establish the theory of the "Big Bang." Hubble studied math and astronomy as an undergraduate at the University of Chicago. After working briefly as a lawyer in Kentucky, he landed a position at the Yerkes Observatory at the University of Chicago, where he finished up a doctorate in astronomy. He served in France during World War I (rising to the rank of major), then began working in 1919 at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, where he studied nebulae with the largest telescope of the day. By the end of the 1920s he had devised a classification system and found that these galaxies were also moving away from each other, giving support to the Big Bang theory.
2.In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but then caused delays, problems and dissasters!
3.Very good videos!
See you on class…
Milagros F, 6B Pchica.
Hello Miss Florance!!
Check out what uncredible things I found!!
A)Edwin Powell Hubble was an american astronomer that changed many scintists way of think about the univerese and the existence of galaxies. He discovered apart from that the degree of Doppler shift.
B)The telescope was launched to the big space and was used to find new discoveries and it was really useful cause they had found a new group od stars Cepheid variables (a kind of star; see also standard candle) in several spiral nebulae, including the Andromeda Nebula.
Wow incredible things he found!!! That was a very big step in scince and astronomy, imagen the telescope they say it is gigantic!!! The biggest one in the hole wide world!!
See you
Valen P. 6A Olivos
1.Edwin Powell Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth.
2. When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality. Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely sharp images with almost no background light.
Very nicee the videos,
Keep on poostingg.
Hello Mrs Florence I got information from another place becuase my headphones didn't work so I couldn't hear the video's.
Edwin Hubble was an American astonomer who profoundly changed the understanding of our universe by demostrating the exsisting of the galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Dopler shift" observed by the light spectra of the other galaxies increased to a proportion to a particualr galax's distance from Earth. This realtionship became known as "Hubble's law", and helped established that the known universe was expanding.
Hubble was founded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was interrupted by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster. When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. Finally they could fix all the problems and restore all normally.
1. Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own.
2. In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher. On the other hand, engineers used this time to perform extensive tests, swap out a possibly failure-prone battery, and make other improvements. Furthermore, the ground software needed to control Hubble was not ready in 1986, and in fact was barely ready by the 1990 launch. Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
Marcos Eis. 6B pchica
He was a American astronomer.
The telescope was lounch in 1990 for first time from a space ship called Discobery.But the proget started in 9070.People said that many cientifics wished to do this.
Hi Miss Florence this is what I found out:
1 Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer. established the existence of nebulae outside the Milky Way. These celestial bodies would, according to Hubble, galaxies themselves, thesis immediately changed the current concept about the true dimensions of the cosmos and opened the way to exploring extragalactic(beyond the Milky Way).Tomorrow I will keep searching the oher questions and post them
Bye Marina 6b
Hi miss florence:
This is what I have found of Edwin Hubble:
1.Edwin Powell Hubble was one of the most important American astronomers of the twentieth century, famous for having demonstrated the expansion of the universe by measuring the redshift of distant galaxies.
2.The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
I hope you enjoy this information like I did, sometimes when I have to look information of a scientific you know that I learn alot, although its for a compulsory comment I learn alot.., or for example not only when I look for information, also when I see post, or other people's comment, also like in the blog of miss ale or in the wiki of math and matematica..
See you tomorrow!
Hello Miss Florence!
what I founded investigating is that
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was born on November 20, 1889 and he died September 28, 1953. He was an American astronomer who proudl changed our understanding of the universe by showing us the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way
2. On September 27, 2008, about 8:00 p.m., errors were detected with Side A of the Hubble's Science Data Formatter (SDF). In response, the telescope's spacecraft computer placed the payload computer and science instruments, including the SDF, into safe mode. The SDF could not be reset, and the payload computer's data could not be recovered. Further testing revealed that Side A is no longer able to send data to the earth, and the Hubble has been offline ever since.
kisses sol 6a
Hi miss florence,
1. Edwin Hubble was one of the most important astronomers in USA history because of demostrating the expansion of the universe.
2. Almost immediately after Hubble went into orbit, it became clear that something was wrong. While the pictures were clearer than those of ground-based telescopes, they weren't the pristine images promised. They were blurry.
Hubble's primary mirror, polished so carefully and lovingly over the course of a full year, had a flaw called "spherical aberration." It was just slightly the wrong shape, causing the light that bounced off the center of the mirror to focus in a different place than the light bouncing off the edge. The tiny flaw — about 1/50th the thickness of a sheet of paper — was enough to distort the view.
I also saw the videos, they were incredible, i didnt know that there were mountains in the Carina Nebula, I actually didnt know that it excisted.
Marco S
Hello Miss Florence,
The videos are very good and I also researched in some webpages I have found. This is some of it:
* Edwin Hubbel was a very famous american astronomous who studied in Oxford University as he won a Rhodes scholarship. There he interrupted his astronomy studies and instead he studied law. After the first world war he worked at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California where he made a lot of studies and predictions. He determined the existence of several galaxies such us our Milky Way.
* In 1981 The Institute Space Telescope Service in NASA began to build a space telescope named Edwin Hubble. The building process lasted nearly a decade and the device was launched into space in April 24, 1990. In his first months in orbit, scientist dicover that the mirrors of the Hubble telescope were flawed and the lack of atmospheric preasure changed the forms, so the telescope lost all his capacity of observation. In 1993 they sent special parts to fix the telescope.
Keep on posting
Miss Florence Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies and the other information i couldn´t find it.
Hello Miss Florence,
I have been investigating and this is what I founded:
1. Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies.He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift".
2.In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
hello florence
The picture is very iteresting i saw it and it looks cool but i want to know the history
Juanchi.C 6a
Hello miss Florence,
1)HE was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2)In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
Andres J.
Hello Miss Florence,
I have been investigating and this is what I founded:
1. Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies.He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift".
2.In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990. On 24 April 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
I wanted to tell you that the 24 of april it was the birthday of my sister but in 2002.
Well Keep on bloging well go far.
Hello Miss Florence,
Edwin Hubble was a young man that studied mathematics and astronomy.
He went to oxford university, studies law. Returned to England to study more about astronomy. He observed that crossing the space was curving gravity.
Lucia Leporati 6a
Hello Miss Florence
1)Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory. Slipher had reported observing blueshift as well as redshift in the spectra of spiral galaxies, indicating motion of their arms both toward and away from Earth respectively, and thus the rotation of such galaxies. Measurements of the redshifts of galaxies and analysis of their significance had also been conducted by James Keeler at the Lick and Allegheny observatories, and William Campbell at the Lick Observatory
2)When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities.
Hi miss Florence.
1. He was one of the most important american astronome.
2.When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality.
Edward Hubble was a famous astronomer which discovered galaxy evolution, dark matter, the age of the universe, black holes, extrasolar planets, and dark energy. The telescope was shined so much by Hubble that it was actually a little dented which made the images a little distorted.
NicoF 6B
Edwin Hubble:
Birth November 20, 1889
Marshfield, Missouri
Died September 28, 1953 63 years
San Marino, California
U.S. Residence
Nationality American
Astronomy Camp
Alma mater University of Chicago, University of Oxford
Known for Big Bang, Hubble's law, redshift, and the Hubble Sequence
Featured Franklin Medal, Bruce Medal, Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
NSSDC ID 1990-037B
Organization NASA / ESA / STScI
Launch date 24 April 1990, 8:33:51 am EDT
Launch vehicle Space Shuttle Discovery, (STS-31)
Mission length 20 years and 6 days elapsed
Deorbited due ~ 2013–2021[1][2]
Mass 11,110 kg (24,500 lb)
Type of orbit Near-circular low Earth orbit
Orbit height 559 km (347 mi)
Orbit period 96–97 minutes
Orbit velocity 7,500 m/s (25,000 ft/s)
Acceleration due to gravity 8.169 m/s2 (26.80 ft/s2)
Location Low Earth orbit
Telescope style Ritchey-Chrétien reflector
Wavelength Optical, ultraviolet, near-infrared
Diameter 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in)
Collecting area 4.5 m2 (48 sq ft)[3]
Focal length 57.6 m (189 ft)
hi miss florence im sending you a description about the 2 questions you aked us to answer:
1) Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2)In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher. On the other hand, engineers used this time to perform extensive tests, swap out a possibly failure-prone battery, and make other improvements. Furthermore, the ground software needed to control Hubble was not ready in 1986, and in fact was barely ready by the 1990 launch.
Hello mis Ale
This is what I found about Edwin Powell Hubble
He was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra
from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory. Slipher had reported observing blueshift as well as redshift in the spectra of spiral galaxies, indicating motion of their arms both toward and away from Earth respectively, and thus the rotation of such galaxies.[1] Measurements of the redshifts of galaxies and analysis of their significance had also been conducted by James Keeler at the Lick and Allegheny observatories, and William Campbell at the Lick Observatory.[citation needed]
Hi Miss Florence,
I got the ivestigation:
1) He was born in 1889 in the 20th of November in Marshfield, Misuri. He also was one of the scientists with a greater contribution in the past has been to broaden our vision of the universe.
2) The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The Hubble Space Telescope is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Bye Miss Florence, Lourdes Undem 6c
hello miss florence,
Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way.
in 1986, , but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program , grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.
well bye miss florence have a nice weekened
justina 6b
1)Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies.He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift".
2)Hubble was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster.
hi miss florence
i have found this:
1- Edwin Hubble waswas born in the small town of Marshfield, Missouri, USA, on November 29th, 1889. In 1898, His family moved to Chicago, where he attended high school. Young Edwin Hubble had been fascinated by science and mysterious new worlds from an early age, having spent his childhood reading the works of Jules Verne (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, From the Earth to the Moon), and Henry Rider Haggard (King Solomon's Mines), Edwin Hubble was a fine student and an even better athlete, having broken the Illinois State high jump record. When he attended University, Hubble continued to excel in sports such as basketball and boxing, but he also found time to study and earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics and astronomy.
2-In 1913, Hubble returned from England and was admitted to the bar, setting up a small practice in Louisville Kentucky; but it didn't take long for Hubble to realize he wasn't happy as a lawyer, and that his real passion was astronomy, so he studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Chicago.
by miss florence
milagros sg olivos brown 6c
1)In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years.
sorry miss flourence but i couldn t found it
vale g
Hi Miss Florence the comment that start like this is mine.
Hello Miss Florence
I think that this is a very interesting post. It is an exercise but by blog. JAJA
I think that every day I like more the blogs
This are the answers of the questions you asked:
Caro B
Miss Florence
He was a American astronomer.
He profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own.
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was the first astronomer to find observable evidence that the universe is expanding, a discovery which helped establish the theory of the "Big Bang."
2.In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher. On the other hand, engineers used this time to perform extensive tests, swap out a possibly failure-prone battery, and make other improvements. Furthermore, the ground software needed to control Hubble was not ready in 1986, and in fact was barely ready by the 1990 launch.
Hi Miss Florence
In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room until a launch could be rescheduled.
This is what I couldnt find first
Bye Marina
Hello Miss Florence i had found that:
Edwin Powell Hubble
was born in the small town of Marshfield, Missouri, USA, on November 29th, 1889. In 1898, His family moved to Chicago, where he attended high school. Young Edwin Hubble had been fascinated by science and mysterious new worlds from an early age, having spent his childhood reading the works of Jules Verne (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, From the Earth to the Moon), and Henry Rider Haggard (King Solomon's Mines), Edwin Hubble was a fine student and an even better athlete, having broken the Illinois State high jump record. When he attended University, Hubble continued to excel in sports such as basketball and boxing, but he also found time to study and earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics and astronomy.
Edwin Hubble went to Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship, where he did not continue his studies in astronomy, but instead studied law. At this point in his life, he had not yet made up his mind about pursuing a scientific career.
In 1913, Hubble returned from England and was admitted to the bar, setting up a small practice in Louisville Kentucky; but it didn't take long for Hubble to realize he wasn't happy as a lawyer, and that his real passion was astronomy, so he studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Chicago.
Bye Bye
Ediwn hubble was and american astronomer who profoundly changed our understunding oh the universe by demostrating the existence of galaxies,he aalso discovered that the degree of Doppler shift.
soffi f
Who was Hubble?
We know about the satellite's telescope of Hubble and we've the constant of Hubble. Who was that man who gave his name to these things?
Edwin Hubble was a man who changed our view of the Universe. In 1929 he showed that galaxies are moving away from us with a speed proportional to their distance. The explanation is simple, but revolutionary: the Universe is expanding.
Hubble was born in Missouri in Nov. 20 1889 (died at Sept.28, 1953). His family moved to Chicago in 1898, where at High School he was a promising, though not exceptional, pupil. He was more remarkable for his athletic ability, breaking the Illinois State high jump record. At university too he was an accomplished sportsman playing for the University of Chicago basketball team. He won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford where he studied law. It was only some time after he returned to the US that he decided his future lay in astronomy (he completed his PhD at Chicago's Yerkes Observatory in 1917).
In the early 1920's Hubble played a key role in establishing just what galaxies are. It was known that some spiral nebulae (fuzzy clouds of light on the night sky) contained individual stars, but there was no consensus as to whether these were relatively small collections of stars within our own galaxy, the 'Milky Way' that stretches right across the sky, or whether these could be separate galaxies, or 'island universes', as big as our own galaxy but much further away. Using the theoretical groundwork of Henrietta Swan-Leavitt and Harlow Shapley, in 1924 Hubble measured the distance to the Andromeda nebula, a faint patch of light with about the same apparent diameter as the moon, and showed it was about a hundred thousand times as far away as the nearest stars. It had to be a separate galaxy, comparable in size our own Milky Way but much further away. He composed (1925) the classification scheme for the structure of galaxies that is still in use today
Hubble was able to measure the distances to only a handful of other galaxies, but he realised that as a rough guide he could take their apparent brightness as an indication of their distance. The speed with which a galaxy was moving toward or away from us was relatively easy to measure due to the Doppler shift of their light. Just as a sound of a racing car becomes lower as it speeds away from us, so the light from a galaxy becomes redder. Though our ears can hear the change of pitch of the racing car engine our eyes cannot detect the tiny red-shift of the light, but with a sensitive spectrograph Hubble could determine the redshift of light from distant galaxies.
He determined the extragalactic distance scale by locating Cepheid Variables in the galaxy M31 from the Mount Wilson Observatory in 1924 and NGC 6822 (in Capricornus) in 1925. Using the galactic period-luminosity relationship (which was actually not quite correct, as was discovered by Baade), he determined distances.
1. In school and university of Chicago Hubble was a star athlete as well as a scholar. Hubble was two years younger than most of his classmates, but he was 6 feet 3 inches tall. In 1910 he went to oxford.At Oxford Hubble studied Roman law and Spanish.
In 1919 Hubble finally joined the Mount Wilson Observatory.There his achievements made him the foremost astronomer of the 20th century.
2. HST is located about 600 kilometers (373 miles) above the ground, orbiting the Earth every 97 minutes.
Hubble Telescope masses about 11,000 kilograms (12 tons), is 13.2 meters (43 feet) long, and has a maximum diameter of 4.2 m (13 feet, 9 inches).The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a telescope orbiting the Earth 370 miles above the atmosphere. It is a space observatory in the Great Observatories program
Facu. V
Miss Florence,
I really didn't understand how to look for information in that web page so please next week if you have time could you explain how to look information.
Alejo N.
Hi what I had investigate and I found the answers to the questions:
1.Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2.Since the earliest days of astronomy, since the time of Galileo, astronomers have shared a single goal — to see more, see farther, see deeper.
The Hubble Space Telescope's launch in 1990 sped humanity to one of its greatest advances in that journey. Hubble is a telescope that orbits Earth. Its position above the atmosphere, which distorts and blocks the light that reaches our planet, gives it a view of the universe that typically far surpasses that of ground-based telescopes.
Hubble is one of NASA's most successful and long-lasting science missions. It has beamed hundreds of thousands of images back to Earth, shedding light on many of the great mysteries of astronomy. Its gaze has helped determine the age of the universe, the identity of quasars, and the existence of dark energy.
Bye Bye
Agostina.G Dodds
Hi miss Florence
I found out that Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who changed our understanding of the universe by demostrating the existence of galaxies. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift", observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory
Hi Miss Florence
1) Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth (Hubble's law)and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Hubble
2)Within weeks of the launch of the telescope, the returned images showed that there was a serious problem with the optical system. Although the first images appeared to be sharper than ground-based images, the telescope failed to achieve a final sharp focus, and the best image quality obtained was drastically lower than expected. Analysis of the flawed images showed that the cause of the problem was that the primary mirror had been ground to the wrong shape. Although it was probably the most precisely figured mirror ever made, with variations from the prescribed curve of only 10 nanometers,[19] it was too flat at the edges by about 2.2 microns.
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Space_Telescope
Tobias M. 6C
Hello miss florence here I send you the answers:
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2. The Hubble Space Telescope's launch in 1990 sped humanity to one of its greatest advances in that journey. Hubble is a telescope that orbits Earth. Its position above the atmosphere, which distorts and blocks the light that reaches our planet, gives it a view of the universe that typically far surpasses that of ground-based telescopes.
3. what a good video it is very interesting
Edwin Hubblewas an American astronomer who dicover the understaning of the universe by demostrating the existens of other galaxis.
hi miss florencce these is what y found about edwin hubble:
He was very important because he showed about what was our universe
The telescope
"spherical aberration." It was just slightly the wrong shape, causing the light that bounced off the center of the mirror to focus in a different place than the light bouncing off the edge. The tiny flaw — about 1/50th the thickness of a sheet of paper — was enough to distort the view.
That was the problem
bye bye
Clara A
hi florence
the comment that was sent by the 30th of april at 8:13
is mine
Bye antonio
Hubble Space Telescope
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889. He was first a Spanish, maths and physics teacher at a high school. Then he went on to study law and participated in the First World War. He finally decided to work in astronomy where he excelled in the field and was a leading figure towards the acceptance of this study in the category of physics (particularly in the Nobel Prize). He is known for many discoveries, the most important of which was his contribution to the theory on the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang Theory.
2. When the Hubble Space Telescope was first launched, the images it was taking were intangible because the company that made the mirrors for the telescope had designed them incorrectly. Hence, these mirrors had to be replaced by a group of astronauts. Today, the Hubble Space Telescope works to perfection and has supplied us with some of the most useful (and stunning) pictures to study the outer space with.
Makena BC 6C
1.He was a American astronomer and
he profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own.
2.Within weeks of the launch of the telescope, the returned images showed that there was a serious problem with the optical system. Although the first images appeared to be sharper than ground-based images, the telescope failed to achieve a final sharp focus, and the best image quality obtained was drastically lower than expected. Analysis of the flawed images showed that the cause of the problem was that the primary mirror had been ground to the wrong shape. Although it was probably the most precisely figured mirror ever made, with variations from the prescribed curve of only 10 nanometers,[19] it was too flat at the edges by about 2.2 microns.
Hello Miss Florence
1)Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory. Slipher had reported observing blueshift as well as redshift in the spectra of spiral galaxies, indicating motion of their arms both toward and away from Earth respectively, and thus the rotation of such galaxies. Measurements of the redshifts of galaxies and analysis of their significance had also been conducted by James Keeler at the Lick and Allegheny observatories, and William Campbell at the Lick Observatory
2)When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities.
I had to do it again because in the other one I didnt put my name
Vicky M
1)In 1913, Hubble returned from England and was admitted to the bar, setting up a small practice in Louisville Kentucky; but it didn't take long for Hubble to realize he wasn't happy as a lawyer, and that his real passion was astronomy, so he studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Chicago.
2) NASA's best-recognized, longest-lived, and most prolific space observatory zooms past a threshold of 20 years of operation this month. On April 24, 1990, the space shuttle and crew of STS-31 were launched to deploy the Hubble Space Telescope into a low Earth orbit. What followed was one of the most remarkable sagas of the space age. Hubble's unprecedented capabilities made it one of the most powerful science instruments ever conceived by humans, and certainly the one most embraced by the public. Hubble discoveries revolutionized nearly all areas of current astronomical research, from planetary science to cosmology. And, its pictures were unmistakably out of this world.
Joaco B
Hello Miss Florence: I had investigated his biografy:
1) Edwin Hubble was one of American´s best astronomus in the twentieth century. He is considered the father of obserbational cosmology.
2) The launch was going to be made in 1986 but an accident ocured so they had to wait until April from the year 1990.
See you in class!!!
Felipe 6B
Hello Miss Florenc:Edwin Hubble was an american person that was an astronomer, he change our thoughts of understanding of the universe, showing the extinstence of galaxies.Edwin Hubble discovered the degree of Doppler shift, and he also find his own mesurement to mesure the galaxie.This comment was very intresting!!!
I had found that:
Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953)
Edwin Hubble, for whom the Hubble Space Telescope is named, was one of the leading astronomers of the twentieth century. His discovery in the 1920s that countless galaxies exist beyond our own Milky Way galaxy revolutionized our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
Hubble, a tall and athletic man who excelled at sports and even coached high school basketball for a short while, started his professional science career during one of the most exciting eras of astronomy. It was 1919, just a few years after Albert Einstein published his theory of general relativity, and bold, new ideas about the universe were fermenting. Hubble was offered a staff position at the Mount Wilson Observatory, which housed the newly commissioned 100-inch Hooker telescope, then the largest telescope in the world. Hubble, it seemed, had the universe placed in his lap.
Most astronomers of Hubble's day thought that all of the universe — the planets, the stars seen with the naked eye and with powerful telescopes, and fuzzy objects called nebulae — was contained within the Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy, it was thought, was synonymous with the universe.
In 1923 Hubble trained the Hooker telescope on a hazy patch of sky called the Andromeda Nebula. He found that it contained stars just like the ones in our galaxy, only dimmer. One star he saw was a Cepheid variable, a type of star with a known, varying brightness that can be used to measure distances. From this Hubble deduced that the Andromeda Nebula was not a nearby star cluster but rather an entire other galaxy, now called the Andromeda galaxy.
In the following years he made similar discoveries with other nebulae. By the end of the 1920s, most astronomers were convinced that our Milky Way galaxy was but one of millions in the universe. This was a shift in thought as profound as understanding the world was round and that it revolved around the sun.
Bye Bye
hello miss florence I had done this compulsary comment, but I looked for it and I think it is not there.
well I will do it again:
Edwin Hubble:
1)Edwin Powell Hubblewas an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory. Slipher had reported observing blueshift as well as redshift in the spectra of spiral galaxies, indicating motion of their arms both toward and away from Earth respectively, and thus the rotation of such galaxies. Measurements of the redshifts of galaxies and analysis of their significance had also been conducted by James Keeler at the Lick and Allegheny observatories, and William Campbell at the Lick Observatory.
2)Space telescopes were proposed as early as 1923. Hubble was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster. When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality. Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely sharp images with almost no background light.
3) wow!!!,
those videos were awsom I loved them there were so grate I saw them with my mother.
well bye
see you tomorrow
Hi Miss Florence
Do you know that Edwin Powell Hubble
was born in the small town of Marshfield, Missouri, USA, on November 29th, 1889. In 1898, His family moved to Chicago, where he attended high school. Young Edwin Hubble had been fascinated by science and mysterious new worlds from an early age, having spent his childhood reading the works of Jules Verne (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, From the Earth to the Moon), and Henry Rider Haggard (King Solomon's Mines), Edwin Hubble was a fine student and an even better athlete, having broken the Illinois State high jump record. When he attended University, Hubble continued to excel in sports such as basketball and boxing, but he also found time to study and earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics and astronomy.Edwin Hubble went to Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship, where he did not continue his studies in astronomy, but instead studied law. At this point in his life, he had not yet made up his mind about pursuing a scientific career.In 1913, Hubble returned from England and was admitted to the bar, setting up a small practice in Louisville Kentucky; but it didn't take long for Hubble to realize he wasn't happy as a lawyer, and that his real passion was astronomy, so he studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Chicago..When they launch the telescope the challenger accident brought the Unties States space progtam to a halt.Edwin Hubble died on the 28 de september in 1953.
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C
hello miss flourence here is the answer to queston 2:
Hello Florence this is my comment:
Edwin Hubble was an astronomer and also was the man who changed our view of the universe.He said the univerese is expanding.
Edwin Hubble created a telescope for astronomers. First it was a great succes but then the pictures went blurry, because it had been ground incorrectly.↨
Madeleine Aiello
It shows pictures taken from the space, that is how we now how is the space
vale g
Hi Miss Florence,
I forgot to put what happened to the telescope.
2) On September 27, 2008, about 8:00 p.m., errors were detected with Side A of the Hubble's Science Data Formatter (SDF). In response, the telescope's spacecraft computer placed the payload computer and science instruments, including the SDF, into safe mode. The SDF could not be reset, and the payload computer's data could not be recovered. Further testing revealed that Side A is no longer able to send data to the earth, and the Hubble has been offline ever since.
Since hands-on Hubble repairs require a full space mission, redundancy is built into the telescope's systems, and the SDF has a backup called Side B. An operations team on the ground has begun the task of transitioning the SDF's functions to Side B, an involved task requiring five other components to be switched to their Side B systems as well. None of these Side B systems has been activated since before the Hubble was launched in 1990.
Lourdes Undem 6c
Hello Miss Florence,
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was born in Marshfield, MIssouri, USA on November 29th, 1889. He attended to a high school in Chicago. Edwin loved science spending his childhood reading books from Jules Verne.
He went to Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship where he stopped his studies in astronomy and instead he studied law.
In 1913 he realized that he wasn't happy being a lawyer but it really was astronomy. He studied at the Yerkes Observatory.
Hubble found a job at an observatory in California where he took many photographs proving that there existed other galaxies such as the milky way.
From his observations he was able to create a law helping astronomers determine the age of the universe and prove that it was still expanding.
In 1942 Edwin went to the war.
When the war ended he went back to the observatory in California, where he built a much more powerfull telescope.
He died on September 28 1953.
2. What happend to the telescope was that within days Hubble was sending back pictures that were out of focus. The problem was that the giant mirror was a single human hair out of place. NASA added a camera to correct the problems with the mirror.
See you,
Lucas G
Hi Miss Florence
1.Who was Edwin Hubble?
Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way.
2.What happened to the telescope as soon as it was launched into space?
Originally set to launch in October 1986, the launch of the Hubble telescope was delayed for two years because of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. The shuttle that would put the Hubble into orbit finally launched on April 24, 1990.
When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality.Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely sharp images with almost no background light.
Very good video.
For me Edwin Hubble is very intelligent!!!!!!
Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer and scientific. He demonstrated the existence of galaxies different from the Milky Way. The Hubble telescope was to be launched in 1986 but as a result of budget and technical problems and the Challenger accident, it was postponed until 1990. He was born on November 20 of 1889 and died on September 28 of 1953. His discoveries were very important. Very interesting man!
Ignacio 6B
Edwin hubble was an american astronomer who changend our universe.
In 1986 the planned launch of octuber
that year looked feasible but the challenger acident brought the us.
He found that the degree of Dopler Shift observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxies near the Earth
hi florence here are te comments,y hope that you like them:
*Edwin Powell Hubble was one of the most important American astronomers of the twentieth century, famous for having demonstrated the expansion of the universe by measuring the redshift of distant galaxies.
*When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities. However, after a servicing mission in 1993, the telescope was restored to its intended quality.
Tomas D
Edwin Hubble was an American astonomer
Most astronomers thought the Milky Way Galaxy was the universe, with an area of only a few hundred light years but he did not agree with this.
He spent his life observing galaxies.
Edwin Hubble showed that some of the numerous distant, faint clouds of light in the universe were actually entire galaxies—much like our own Milky Way.
The Hubble Space Telescope was named after him.
Emma L
Miss Florance while I was investigating about Mr. Huble I found an extraordinary thing that caught my attencion,, I´ll tell to you at school.
Valen P. 6a Olivos
Hi Miss Florence
1: Edwin Hubble was a fine student and an even better athlete. When he attended University, Hubble continued to excel in sports such as basketball and boxing, but he also found time to study and earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics and astronomy.
2: The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Hello Miss Florence
1)Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
Hubble is often incorrectly credited with discovering the Doppler shift in the spectra of galaxies, but this phenomenon had been observed by other astronomers in the 1910s, including Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory. Slipher had reported observing blueshift as well as redshift in the spectra of spiral galaxies, indicating motion of their arms both toward and away from Earth respectively, and thus the rotation of such galaxies. Measurements of the redshifts of galaxies and analysis of their significance had also been conducted by James Keeler at the Lick and Allegheny observatories, and William Campbell at the Lick Observatory
2)When finally launched in 1990, scientists found that the main mirror had been ground incorrectly, severely compromising the telescope's capabilities.
Lorenzo 6a
Hi Florence,
1: He was born on November 20th 1889.Edwin Hubble was was an American astronomer who changed our view of the Universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. In 1929 he showed that galaxies are moving away from us with a speed proportional to their distance. The explanation is simple, but revolutionary: the Universe is expanding.
2:In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990.He died on September 28th of 1953
Bye Florence
Flora 6A
Hi Miss Florence
The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Mili P......
Hi miss Florence I found this information.
1. Edwin Powell Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" (specifically "redshift") observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2. The telescope was lunched in 1990 and an orbiting of 375 miles above the earth. I couldnt found more information
Miss Florence,
Edwin Hubble was born in November 20.
Died September 28, 1953 (aged 63) in
San Marino, California
was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" specifically "red shift" observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
That all what I know about Edwin Hubble
Mati 6c
1) Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our way of understanding the universe by showing the existence of other galaxies, on top of our galaxie.
2) The first time the Challenger launched was the 28/1/86. There was a problem and 1' after the launching the Challenger expolded. The telescope had to be in a clean place powered and purged with nitrogen, until the mission was launched. The maintenance cost was around U$S 6.000.000 per month. 4 years later the mission was rescheduled and was successful.
1),Edwin Powell Hubble was an American astronomer who profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of galaxies other than our own, the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of "Doppler shift" observed in the light spectra from other galaxies increased in proportion to a particular galaxy's distance from Earth. This relationship became known as Hubble's law, and helped establish that the known universe is expanding.
2),In early 1986, the planned launch date of October that year looked feasible, but the Challenger accident brought the U.S. space program to a halt, grounding the space shuttle fleet and forcing the launch of Hubble to be postponed for several years. The telescope had to be kept in a clean room, powered up and purged with nitrogen, until a launch could be rescheduled. This costly situation (about $6 million per month) pushed the overall costs of the project even higher.Eventually, following the resumption of shuttle flights in 1988, the launch of the telescope was scheduled for 1990
by by I se you tomorrow
ramiro arenas
Hi miss Florence
1.Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who profundly changed our udderstanding.
2. He was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster.
3. The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
love juli m 6B
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