Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Did you know about this amazing mass of plastic floating in the ocean?

Write 7 things you learnt as you watched this video, and send a comment to the blog.
IT IS COMPULSORY, and due September 17th


Axel said...

Hi mIss Florence,
The video says that on the Pacific Ocean, lovely dolphins live, eat fish, fish eat plancton, and plancton is disappearing because in the North Pacific Ocean there is like a 100-kilometer long plastic garbage whirlpool, in which sea gulls and fish eat the trapped plancton in the disaster of plastic garbage, and start dying! A Foundation is studying the plastic by taking it out of the sea and watching it with telescopes, to see how to help these poor animals!
See you,

Axel G

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
There are beatifull animals in the sea and many people is throwing plastic to the sea. In every kilometer there is some plastic polution. THere is a foundation that studies the plastic polution and they are amazed of what they had seen. There is more plastic than zooplanton.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Florence!
What this video talks about is that: In the Pacific Ocean there is a huge garbage(with plastics and other stuf)whirlpool which is very contaminated. There are dolfins or other animals such as sea gulls or sharks eat fish and fish eat planktons and the plankton are starting to dissapear. The seagulls or the fish eat the garbage with plankton and get very sick and start dying. there is a group that investigated this with very speacil microscopes and trying to see how to solve this problem.
Fran.R 6A

Anonymous said...

hi miss florence
this is are seven things about that i leard from the video....
1.there are plastic afloat on the ocean

2.there are fish and animals living there

3.there are animals that think the plastic if food so the eat the plastic

4.the plastic becomes into small peaces and contaminate the ocean

5.there are petrolio on the ocean that are killing animals because it is always there

6.there are trash on the beaches and there are bots that get some trash from the ocean to help

7.in the north sea gyre there is a big amount of plastic afloat that looks like a swirl

i know more but i have seven clearer
kisses vani

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence, this video says that in the pacific ocean, there are dolfins. A fundation is studying the plastic in the sea. In each KM, the is a plastic palution. There is more plastic tan zooplanton. The oceans in general are very contaminated. Fish need to eat plancton but plancton is desapearing because of plastic. Let´s give a hand to these POOR ANIMALS. Don´t Throw Plastic to the water. Recicle IT!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence :
- We should throw plastics rubish into the ocean .
-Animals and fish are dying because they feed them selfs with plastic things.
- There is 7% more plastics particals than plancton in the north pacific.
-Birds were found dead with bottle plastics lids in their stomachs .
-We must look after OUR PLANET .
-Human are de cause of contamination .
-Luckely ther are people who cares about these problems and are trying to change them.
sofi f 6c

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
Thank you for puting up this video. Seven things I learnt of this video are:
That the hole ocean is covered by plastic everywhere you go.
Animals eat plastic objects and that take them to the sickness and death.
A special foundation is working this problem but we too need to help.
If we through plastic we make an animal sick but everything is connected and if we break one step for life in the see we break the life of everyone.
I don't have anything more to say but the video was really interesting.
Keep on posting
See you in class
Lucia L. 6a Fleming

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
The post was bery enteresting and I lernt a lot about it.I lobed the bisit we had of Lili´s husband,I hope we will have a bisit like this one soon, I am impacient to have an other one. The video says that on the Pacific Ocean, lovely dolphins live there, they eat fish, fish eat plancton, and plancton is disappearing beause of plastic, I also lernt lots of things more.

Anonymous said...

Miss Florence:
This vedio says that there are many dolphins in the osean. They eat fish. And the video tell us that the fish eats another animal, in which each time there`s less. And they are dying because people contaminates the sea, and through the sea, the water travels a long way till it gets to a place full of water called the ocean. So why dont we help and we make sure that we are doing correct things like throwing things to the garbage, or why dont we help not contaminating?
What tought me this video?
That we have to tell the people who live with us, to STOP because if we dont stop, we are going to make a worse world. If we see sombody throuing a paper to the floor, we have to stop him and tell him, to not do that.
Like that we can help our planet, in a BIG word, our place in a MIDIUM word, and our HOME in a SMALL word.
SofiB Olivos

bauti. m. 6A said...

Hi Miss Florence,
it's very bad how our water is contaminated by all this plastics,there are like 100 kilometers of plastic in the north sea, and a lot of animals of the water ar dieing because the most tiny ones think that the plastic is food, because it looks like plancton, so they eat that and they die. So then the bigest animals have nothing to eat. The life chain is broken.
I learn a lot in this video and it's very good that the foundations of scientists are working hard to help us!
Bye bye
Bauti M. 6 A

Anonymous said...

Hi miss florence
We shouldn throw any tipe of plastic things to the water because the poor fishes are eating that thinking it is food and they can died, and that is really serious. There is a group of investigators that release that there is more plastic things that zooplanton. Thhere is petrolio in the sea and many fishes are dying because they live there. But also there are many trashes and things like that for the people to frow their things there and not in the ocean. Lets tried and remember these always after trowing something to the ocean.
Se u

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
I learnt in this video that we dont have to throw more garbage to the sea because many fish will die. The process is this; dolphins eat fish, fish eat plancton. Plancons are disapearing because of plastic, fish that eat plancton will disapear because of they no having food and dolphins will die because thy dont have food to eat. Scientists are studying plastic and the trapped fish that are in there. There is an enormous cicle of trash in the north pacific ocean and we have to start reducing it!
Marco S

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Florence,
The video tells us that, in the Pacific ocean dolphins live and eat fish, fish eat plancton , and the plancton is going away because in The north there is a 100 kilometers long plastic. Fish and Sea gulls eat the trapped plancton and they die :(. A fundation is studiyng the plastic by taking samples of it and exploring them with telescopes, to see what they can do so that this stops happening.
Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Miss Florence, these are 7 things of all I learnt:
1. All this happens in the Pasific Osean.
2. Dolfins live there.
3. There are fish and animals living in the Pasific Osean.
4. There is plastic in the open ocean.
5. There is trush in beaches.
6. Animals think plastic is food.
7. Animals are loosing nutrients, and with this plastic they can die.
Mechii G.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence
I learnt..........
1. The oceans are getting full of plastic. That contaminates the water allot.
2. Seaguls and fish eat plankton and the plastic make fish confuse so they eat plastic.
3. In a a certain distance of whater there are aproximately 6 pound of plastic and 1 pound of plankton.
4. In the video they show us the they have some bags that can measure or get the quantity of plastic that passes through that bag on a certain time.
5. Investigators saw that birds die because the plastic gets stuck on their neck or in any part of their body and that infects the animal.
6. Nurdles (pre-production plastic) transport toxins in the oceans enviorment.
7. Plasti Resen Pellets absorve and concentrates toxins such us PCB, and DDE up to 1,000,000 times their level in ambient sea water.
Bye Francisco.Gr 6C

Anonymous said...

Here is what I learnt:
1* The plastic in the ocean is making a whirlpool wich seaguls and fish are eating and by eating that they DIE!!!

2* A grup of people is investigating the garbige. Thay take the garbege out of the ocean and study them by microscope.

3*Trash on the beaches

4* The plastic in the ocean gets smoller every time until they fall to the bottom of the ocean.

5*thar is 7% of more plastic in the North Pacific than plancton

6*Animals are loosing nutrients

7*there are some bags that can measure/get the quantity of plastic that goese into that bag a ceartain quantity of time.

Hear is a part of all I learnt in the video.
bye nicky

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence
The things I learnt are:
1. The Pacific Ocean is contaminated by plastic.
2. The dolphins eat fish and the fish eat plancton.
3. The plancton is dessapearing because of the plastic garbage
4. In the ocean there is not a single free place that does not have plastic!
5. The animals in the ocean think that the plastic is food so they comsumed them.
6. Some animals are dying because of the plastic, they eat
7. They found dead birds, that in their stomatch they had found plastic of all types.
8. The animals eat anything they found in their ocean world
9. We must look after our planet!!
10. A special fundation take out the plastic and they investigate them by telescopes...

Beluu B. 6b

Anonymous said...

Miss Florence,
I have learnt that dolphins feed on fish and that both fish and birds eat zooplankton. Due to our pollution the consequences observed in the oceans are quite severe and is destroying that ecosystem.
1. In the ocean the plastic trash that is thrown by people degrades into smaller parts that are known as “nurdles” and then into even smaller plastic molecules.
2. Toxic hydrophobic pollutants strongly adhere to the surface of these nurdles and smaller plastic molecules becoming here 100% more concentrated than in the water.
3. Plankton and nurdles are physically similar but nurdles lack the nutrients and what is even worse are very toxic and can’t be digested.
4. Animals that eat plankton are tricked by the nurdles similarity and eat it thinking they are having a scoop of plankton.
5. Animals that eat the ‘new’ plankton turn out with a lack of nutrients and end dying either from intoxication, undernourishment or both of them. Furthermore, the nurdles can get stuck in the airways and the animals can then suffocate.
6. Investigators trawl the sea waters searching for different water samples to analyze the mass of plastic they contain.
7. For each pound of plankton in the investigator’s samples there are six pounds of plastic together with them.
8. According to the investigators searches, there is no sample from the sea waters without containing plastic contamination.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florance
I watched the video, adn it shocked me.
In the Pacific ocean there is a cycle fo life here it talks about the dolphin who eats the fish that get plantom from the water surface, there plantom have to share the place with plastic. Birds also eat plantom and many of them wher killed because confusing plantom with plastic.
Plastic doesn´t dissapear it transformes in to small plastic peacies that some arive to the shore and some stay in the open ocean. The Pacific ocean is full of plastic in his surface and shores are to.
People like the captian in the video WANT to make something at the respect but it costs alot of money, this captian and his scientific tripulation get some stuff of the surface and compare with microscopes and other scince instrument to see what is really in the surface. It compares a plantom with a piece of plastic wich the plastic is bigger!!! Other things where found there.
We really need to make something at respect, and now!!!
Creatures will start to exstint and water will becaome unpure.

Valen P. 6A Olivos

Ps: I also heard acuatic turtles are dying because they eat jellyfish and they confuse with the supermarket bags.

Anonymous said...

Hi Florence:
Seven of the things the video said are that:

1) There is a lot of trash floating on the sea.

2) Animals think that the trash is food and they eat it, and then they die.

3) The plastic becomes into small pieces and is contaminating more the ocean.

4) There are trashes on the beaches.

5) There are boats that recollect some of the garbage that is floating in the sea.

6) Some animals in the sea eat fish, and fish eats plankton, but plankton is disappearing.

7) There is a foundation that investigates about this contamination and they are very amazed of what they had seen.

Juako.B 6C

Anonymous said...

Miss Florence,
What this video talks about is that: In the Pacific Ocean there is a huge garbage(with plastics and other stuf)whirlpool which is very contaminated. There are dolfins or other animals such as sea gulls or sharks eat fish and fish eat planktons and the plankton are starting to dissapear. The seagulls or the fish eat the garbage with plankton and get very sick and start dying. there is a group that investigated this with very speacil microscopes and trying to see how to solve this problem.

Anonymous said...

Miss florence,
this is are seven things about that i leard from the video....
1.there are plastic afloat on the ocean

2.there are fish and animals living there

3.there are animals that think the plastic if food so the eat the plastic

4.the plastic becomes into small peaces and contaminate the ocean

5.there are petrolio on the ocean that are killing animals because it is always there

6.there are trash on the beaches and there are bots that get some trash from the ocean to help

7.in the north sea gyre there is a big amount of plastic afloat that looks like a swirl
Artu Elsztain

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence:
Im so angry!!
I have written this for four times! but the computer got stuck and I am tired of write it ALL again!
Well, I have not understand the video very well because I dont understand very well their english.
I have notice that in the ocean theres lot of plastic, that gets there and while the time pass tha plastic turn into very very little pieces and that the animals died by trying to eat it or something similar.
Thats why when people goes to see what they have catch they see that they have animals, like fishes or dolfins that are dead!
I have notice that people go with special boats that hang something at the back and when the boat goes it goes catching every little piece of plastic that is in the pacific ocean where they also catch animals how I said before.
Sorry but I could'nt see the rest of the video cause of my computer, I suppuse that when I go back to school I will watch the resth of the video in IT.
see you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
this are the seven things of the video:
1.the video is on the Pacific Ocean
2.fish and animals live their
3.their is plastic around the pacific ocean
4.dolphins eat fish,fish eat plancton and plancton are eating trash.
5.planctons are dying because they are eating trash
6.their is trash around the beach
7.animals are loosing nutrients and with this plastic they can die.
bye michelle c. 6b

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence
These are seven things that I learnt with the video are:
1. In the ocean there are plasic things that animals think that it is food they eat it and could die.
2. The ocean is starting to get full of plastic.
3. The plastic gets smaller and that little pieces are contaminating the ocean.
4. Some birds that die people found plastic inside of them.
5. There is a special fundation that is trying to solve all the problems about the plastic.
6. All these problem is happening in the pasific ocean.
7. Some boats recolect the garbge in the sea.
See you on Monday

Anonymous said...

1.. This happens in the Pacific Ocen were lots of animals live, including dolphins
2.. Dolphins feed on fish that feed on sowplancton that live in the surface, but since people throw plastic to the water fish and birds accidentaly consuming plastic.
3.. And any plastic that enters the ocean remains there, braking into little pieces.
4.. A group of people take samples of the plastic and sowplancton, and weights them, and compares them.
5.. For every 7 pounds of plastic that they got they only got 1 pound of sowplancton.
6.. Every place that they went had this plastic, polution, not one place was without being poluted by plastic.
7.. When fish, and birds eath plastic, this causes a very big hormone destruction.

Sofi L. Pchica

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
This are the things I learnet watching this video.
1)Plancton is shearing the ocean surface with lots of tiny plastic particles.
2)Birds and fish think that those plastic particles are food and it them.
3)Plastic is not a biodegradable material so it does not decompose and stays there.
4)A foundation is doing experiments to understand more about this global inviremental disastre.
5)The place were more plastic particles are is in the centre of the central Pacific tire.
6)They took some water from the ocean and saw that there were 6 pounds of plastic particles and only 1 pound of plancton
7)There is no place without plastic in the Pacific ocean.
We dont have to throw trash to the ocean.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence!!!!!!!!
What this video talks about is that: In the Pacific Ocean there is a huge garbage(with plastics and other stuf)whirlpool which is very contaminated. On the Pacific Ocean, lovely dolphins live, eat fish, fish eat plancton, and plancton is disappearing because in the North Pacific Ocean there is like a 100-kilometer long plastic garbage whirlpool, in which sea gulls and fish eat the trapped plancton in the disaster of plastic garbage, and start dying!
Matias Salzman pchica 6A

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florenece:

There is a great whirlpool of plastic in the Pacific. Dolfins eats a fish that eats plankont and plankton is disapearing because in the Pacific there are lots of plastic ( dolphins will die because of this because their food will be contamined)This plastic is breaking into smaeller pieces so then more fish will be afected. A foundation is making experiences to see the plastic and try to stop this catastrofic problem. They had found that for every 6 pounds of plastic there were 1 pounds of plankton. Every place that they stopped was full of plastic, there was no place free. Birds are also being afected. Very strong video. See you in class!!!

Felipe 6B

Mati said...

1 That dolphins live in the Pacific Ocean, they eat fish.
2 The fish eat plankton
3 The fish and birds are now consuming plastic because the plankton is mixing with some diminute pieces of plankton.
4 Because the plastic is not biodegreible, every piece of plastic that is in the ocean will stay there.
5 A fundacion is very surprised to see that birds die because pieces of plastic get stuck on its neck and that is toxic.
6 The fundation traveled 100km cleaning the ocean.
7 If the quantity of trash keeps encreasing the world will be a disaster, we have to throw plastic bottles to trash cans, not to the sea.
Mati 6c Fleming

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Florence,

The things i learned forom this video are:
1) DOlfins Primary food is the fish, fish eat other small insects in the water
2)The insects that fishes eat come from plastic that make very bad the fish
3) Every plastic remains in water, puts in tiny small peaces and stay in the water for a long time untill it goes to a shore or its taking out
4) More plastic trash appearing in the beaches, filling in with trash
5) Theres almost enough waith of plastic than water
6) No places are free of this plastic polution
7) If Birds or fish dont get enough nutrients they will bprobobley die. A Birde ate a shampoo bottle top
Thats the thing i learned FLorence
Goodbye- Juanchi.c 6a olivos

Anonymous said...

Hi Florence,
These video is beautifull. I learned that:
1) The humans contaminate the Ocean. 2)The dolphins eat fishes and the fishes eat some plancotms and that molecules eat a little of the plastic so I all the animals have plastic in their body.
3)There is more plastic that plancton
4)No part of the Ocean is free form the plastic
5)The birds are looseing nutrients because of the plastic in their organs.
6)27 thousand is plastic in a sample of how many plastic is in the OCEAN.
7)The Ocean is like a zoo.
See you On Monday
Ana D 6|B

carolina said...

Hi Miss Florence!
I think that it is very sad what is happening to the world.

Fish eat planktons that now share the surface waters with pieces of plastic and since fish and birds eat it they are consuming plastic in their daily plankton. There are a lot of animals dying very frequently because of this. It is quite impossible to make this disappear because any plastic in the ocean reminds there and it dissolves and goes braking into smaller pieces until it arrives to a beach’s shore. The area that has most plastic is the center of the Center Pacific. This scientific uses more than 1 method to investigate about the ocean. He and his lab partners discovered that in every 6 pounds of plastic there was only 1 pound of plankton so there is six times more plastic that plankton. That forms isles of plastic in the middle of the ocean. The Pacific Ocean is almost entirely occupied by plastic. The Ocean has everyday more plastic and this is getting worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence

This video start telling about the Pacific Ocean, they said that dolphins live there and they eat plancton. They said that the plastic (like the bags of supermarket)are contaminated a lot the Pacific Ocean!! They also said that they are more plastic bags than plancton! And this affect us too because in the beautiful beaches they are going to have garbage! The beautiful fish that we have are dying beacuse they eat contaminated food. We are contaminated the oceans and our sea animals are dying. We have to stop the contamination!! They also said that foundations are taking the bags to examinate them. They are trying to find a way to help this animals.
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C

Anonymous said...

Hello mis Florence:
The video sais that:
1)lots of dolfins that live in the Pacific Ocean eat fish, the fish eat plancton. The video sais that the plancton is desapearing because of the amout of plastic in the Pacific Ocean, the plastic converted into a whilpool and lots of sea gulls and lots of fish eat the traped planctong in the plastic, they eat that plancton that is proably infected an they start dying.
Lots of people in Foundations had taken out some peaces of plastic and started studying it. This people are doing a great example for the polution in the world, I think they whant to save the animals to.

well miss florence see you tomorow
bye bye

Anonymous said...

Hi miss florence,
Im going to continue the other comment.
there are animals that think that plastic if something so the eat so they eat plastic.In some places there are some people on boats that try to help the animals so they clean the ocean.In the north sea there is a lot of plastic afloat that looks like a swirl.

sofi.k said...

Hi miss florence
dolphins eat fish and fish eat plancton.plancton is infected because of the plastic and that afects the food chain.
Many species like birds are daying because when they see the plastic they think that is food but actually is plastic and like that they dye.
In the pacific Ocean there is a 100 kilometers whirlpool.
Invastigator tested water from the ocean and there is no plastic free zone in the water tested.
The ocean is filling up with trash more and more each time.
In every 6 pounds of plastic their is 1 pound of plancton.
The chunks of plastic (like shampoo bottles, electric cables etc)break or seperate in small parts and like that is how birds and diferent tipes of animals van eat this and dye.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florance

I think that we (the humans) are contaminating all the ocean and that fish and birds apart from eating plankton they eat plastic from things that we throw into the ocean.

I hope its get better

Mateo P.

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence!

What I found interesting of this video was that there is a lot of trash in the sea and because of that animals think that the trash is food and they eat it, (and they may die). Plastic convert into small pieces and contaminate the sea. There is more garbage on the beach. Some boats recollect some of the trash that is found in the sea. Some animals that live in the sea eat fish, and fishes eat plankton, but plankton is disappearing of cause of contamination. There is a foundation that investigates about contamination and they were amazed of all the garbage that they have seen

Kisses sol 6a (olivos)

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence this is what i learnt:
Zoo Plantons share the surface water with increasing numbers of plastic particles
Fish and birds are now consuming plastic
The plastic breaks into small pieces until it is injusted or deposited in a distant shore
A captain is conducting experiments to better understand thethread
For every 6 pounds of plastic you have 1 pound of planton.
Now there is six times more of plastic which means more planton
No place of the Pacific is free of this plastic pollution
Nurdle is a plastic raw material
Many fish and birds are found in the surface of the water and they are dead
The sea is getting sick with nurdles and synthetic particles
Bye See you tomorrow
Marina 6b

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
This are 7 things I learn´t seeing the video...
1.There is plastic in the Pacific Ocean.
2.Dolfins live there
3.Fishes eat the plastic thinking that it´s food
4.Dolfins that live there eat fish
the fish
5.The plastic get´s small and contaminates the ocean
6.PEople are foundating expeditions to find more information about this.
7. There is trash in the beaches and some botes are cleaning it
Bye see you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence

This is increadibly BAD, this really shocked me with every single deatail.
I would do anything to save all sea animals but when I think about it we are only one grain of sand out of a Billion

What I understood from the video that left me Paralizied was that in the pacific Ocean there are 100 km of small plastic particles and the plastic is being eaten by the birds and fishes.

The plastic is left there in the ocean and is made smaller and smaller and is deposited in shore.

Captain Charles Moore who is a Marine Biologist is making experiments to find out more about this problem. He has been saling around the pacific and he has noticed that the amount of trash has been increasing, they are expirimenting things to find out the amount trash in the Ocean,they are finding out the mass of trash and plancton. They took samples of the water and compared the weight of the plastic and the plancton that was in the sample.

What I find increadible is that every place they took a sample from they would find this poulluted plastic floating around

PD:for every 6 pound of plastic that they got there was 1 pond of plancton

Bye Lara 6b

Anonymous said...

hi miss florence
this are 7 things i learnt watching the video

1.dolphins eat fish and fish eat plancton
2.plancton is dissapearing
3.In the midlle of the pacific ocean there is a lot of plasic garbage
4.other animal such as birds eat fish
5.animals are starting to die
6.there is a fundation that is already studyng the plastic
7.the ocean is very contaminated
kisses vale gonzalez

Anonymous said...

hi miss florence
this are 7 things i learnt watching the video

1.dolphins eat fish and fish eat plancton
2.plancton is dissapearing
3.In the midlle of the pacific ocean there is a lot of plasic garbage
4.other animal such as birds eat fish
5.animals are starting to die
6.there is a fundation that is already studyng the plastic
7.the ocean is very contaminated
kisses vale gonzalez

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
I lernt from this video:
1)Dolphins leave in the Pasific ocean.
2)Dolphins eat fish.
3)The ocean is naw with a lot of plastic that covers it in a lot of places in it.
4)Virds are eating this plastic and because of this they are daing.
5)Fish eat plancton and there is more plastic than plancton, fish are knaw eating plastic.Because of this virds eat fish snd they die(some of them).
6)Lots and lots of beaches are knaw all cobered with plastic small balls.
7) A Foundation is studying the plastic by taking it out of the sea and watching it with telescopes, to see how to help the earth, that is so contaminated.

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence!

What I found interesting of this video was that there is a lot of trash in the sea and because of that animals think that the trash is food and they eat it, (and they may die). Plastic convert into small pieces and contaminate the sea. There is more garbage on the beach. Some boats recollect some of the trash that is found in the sea. Some animals that live in the sea eat fish, and fishes eat plankton, but plankton is disappearing of cause of contamination. There is a foundation that investigates about contamination and they were amazed of all the garbage that they have seen

Kisses sol 6a (OLIVOS)

Anonymous said...

Hi miss florence
this is what I learned
1) There is plastic in the pacific ocean.
2) Dolfins eat fish and fish eat plastic instead of plancton because they are confused.
3) The scientist took samples to study in the lab. He found that there is six times more plastic than plancton.
4) Plastic is petroleum based, its not biodegradable and it brakes into small pieces.
5) All the region was examined and nothing was free of plastic powder.
6) The plastic pieces float and are also deposited on the shores.
7) The birds get confused, they eat the plastic and feed it to their chicks who die because they dont get nutrients.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
The video says that on the Pacific Ocean, lovely dolphins live, people is throwing plastic to the sea and There is a foundation that studies the plastic polution and they are amazed of what they had seen. There is more plastic than zooplanton.
Santi.S 6B punta chica

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
I'm impressed because their is a lot of plastic in the ocean, also as fishes and birds are eating all that plastic when they drink or eat something. What impressed me a lot was those peaces of plastic can be as little as sea plankton and they weight six times one sea plankton. I can't find any logical reason how that plastic arrived their and stays all together. Scientist are now investigating about this plastics.
Santi G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence
Watching the video i learnt that:
1)Fish and birds are consuming plastic in addition to plankton.
2)Plastic is not biodegradable, so any plastic in the ocean remains there.
3)The ocean is filling up with trash.
4)When scientists analyzed the pacific ocean, they saw that for every 6 pounds of plastic there was 1 pound of plankton.
5)No place in the ocean is free of plastic.
6)Scientists saw that the adult albatroth gets the plastic and feeds the baby albatroths with it, so the baby doesn´t get any nutrients and dies.
7)PLastic resin pellets (nurdles) absorb and concentrate toxins up to a million times their level in sea water.
I learnt a lot!
Tomas P

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss florence
I learned that
1- All this happens in the ocean were lovely dolphins or fish live
2- In this ocean plastic is sorrounding al the ocean
3- This plastic contaminates all the ocean
4- All the beachs are getting full of plastic
5- So what would happen to the fishes? the video says that they are loosing their nutrients so they can die
nicola and juan otero pchica 6a

Anonymous said...

Hi Florence this video is about lots of problems
1)There's plastic floating in the ocean
2)Animals think plastic is food
3)There are petrolium in the ocean that are killing animals
4) There is trash on the beaches and there are boats that get some trash from the ocean to help recolect it.
5)Animals are loosing nutrients, they are dying
6)People are founding expeditions to find more DATA about this.
7)There is more plastic that plancton

Bye Tadeo

Anonymous said...

The video says that on the Pacific Ocean, lovely dolphins live, eat fish, fish eat plancton, and plancton is disappearing because in the North Pacific Ocean there is like a 100-kilometer long plastic garbage whirlpool, in which sea gulls and fish eat the trapped plancton in the disaster of plastic garbage, and start dying.Poor animals!!!!

Artu Elsztain

Anonymous said...

hello miss florence,
these are the 7 things i understood and learned bout these video..
1.The sea is beeing contaminated
2.There are animals that think the plastic if food so the eat the plastic.
3.We shouldnt contaminate the sea so the fish wouldnt die.
4.In the north sea gyre there is a big amount of plastic that is floating that looks like a swirl.
5.There is 7% more plastics particals than plancton in the north pacific.
6.The people are producion what is happening.
7.They found dead birds, that in their stomatch they had found plastic of all types.
bye have a nice weekend!!
justina 6b

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
What this video talks about is that: In the Pacific Ocean there is a huge garbage and there are there are fish and animals living there, there is a lot of plastic in the ocean and the animals think that that is food so they eat it also the plastic contaminates a lot the ocean.
Stop contaminating the world AND RECYCLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye Matias.S

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
What I understood about the video is:
That in the Pacific Ocean there are dolphins who eat fish and the fishes eat plancton but that plancton is dissapearing because in the Pacific Ocean there is like a very long plastic garbage island, where the plancton is trapped so some animals are starting to die because of that, such us fishes, dolphins beacause they eat fish and some others. I also learned that a group of people are studying this plastic with special microscopes to help that animals. So people have to start no to through garbage to the sea.

Mati K. 6A P.Chica

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,

1.plancton shares ocean water with plastic particules

2.plastic is reaching remote areas of the ocean

3. animals licke fish and birds eat plastic with plancton

4.cientifics concider this an enviromental catastrophy

5.fis and birds die of the plastic acumulate in thir stomach

6.plastic breacks into tiny fragments in the shape and size of planctong

7.plastic is not biodegradable evry 6 pound of plastic there is 1 pound of plactong.

It is a great disaster in the world Tobias.M

Anonymous said...

hi florence , this terrible all the contamination the species on the water are reciving, plancton is desapering because the north pacific oceon have gigantic pool of plastic and fissh are getting toxic

miguel fasce

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
I wrote 10 things instead of 7… Here are some of the facts I learnt by watching the video:
1. Fish which are eaten by dolphins eat minute creatures called Soplangton.
2. Fish and birds are now consuming plastic in adittion of plangton.
3. Any plastic near the ocean remains there, and then breaks in smaller pieces and is eaten by an animal or is deposited on some distant shore.
4. There is an increase of the amount of trash, and plastic on part of the beaches.
5. The ocean is filling up with trash!
6. For every six pounds of plastic there is only one pound of plangton.
7. There is six times more plastic than plangton.
8. No place is free of the plastic pollution.
9. When a adult bird gives food with plastic to a baby bird, the baby takes the risk of dying.
10. Scientist made a study and they counted around 27000 pieces of plastic.

Anonymous said...

hello miss Florence,
The video tells us that there are beautiful animals on the pacific ocean that have to bear all this 100 kilometer plastic garbage whirlpool on this gigantic ocean. Some fish even eat the garbage thinking it is food so they die,poor animals.
We,human,have to stop throwing garbage were are contaminating our own planet.We have to think about it and bring a solution to stop it.
see you,

Mati F 6A

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
These video is amazing, I learned that:

1) The humans contaminate the Ocean.

2)The dolphins eat fishes and the fishes eat some plancotms and that molecules eat a little of the plastic so I all the animals have plastic in their body.

3)There is more plastic that plancton

4)No part of the Ocean is free form the plastic

5)The birds are looseing nutrients because of the plastic in their organs.

6)27 thousand is plastic in a sample of how many plastic is in the OCEAN.

7)The Ocean is like a zoo.

Mili P…… 6ºB

Anonymous said...

Hi mIss Florence,
The video is on the Pacific Ocean,beatifull animals that live in the sea and many people destroing their houms.In each KM, the is a plastic palution.Some animals eat plastic objects and and die.
vicky.c pchica

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Florence :
1. There are animal living in the sea
2. Fish and Birds consume the plastic
3. The amount of trash in the sea is increasing
4. Any plastic entering the ocean remains there
5. For every 6 pounds of trash only 1 pound was plankton
6. Every place that they looked for samples had plastic
7. Animals consume the plastic and because of it they die .
This is very interesting but very sad
See you ,
Lucia .G

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
7 things I learnt were:
1. Dolphins eat fish and the fish they eat eat zoo plancton. If the plancton they eat is polluted the dolphin and the fish will have plastic in them. Birds also feed on the plastic.
2. The plastic thrown in the water does not degrade it just gets into smaller pieces until it is eaten or deposited on a beach.
3. There is a foundation that studies how much plastic there is in the ocean and what it can do.
4. Every six pounds of plastic there is one pound of plancton which means six times more plastic than plancton.
5. Some plastic pieces look like small food so the birds eat it.
6. Some other pieces of plastic look like fish eggs which birds also eat.
7. The Plastic resin Pellets absorb the toxins and then fish or birds might eat it.
Lucas G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
What I learnt is that:
1)Dolphins and other animals in the sea eat fish, the fish eat plankton.
2)Plankton is disappearing because they are eating plastic.
3)Every plastic part in the ocean remains there.
4)Plastic breakes into smaller parts until it is ingested.
5)The Pacific Ocean has kilometers of water that has a lot of plastic.
6)There is more plastic than zooplanton.
7)An organization is studying the plastic to help the animals.

Santiago B 6B

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
What I learnt is that:
1)Dolphins and other animals in the sea eat fish, the fish eat plankton.
2)Plankton is disappearing because they are eating plastic.
3)Every plastic part in the ocean remains there.
4)Plastic breakes into smaller parts until it is ingested.
5)The Pacific Ocean has kilometers of water that has a lot of plastic.
6)There is more plastic than zooplanton.
7)An organization is studying the plastic to help the animals.

Santiago B 6B

Anonymous said...

What i understand was that...
1 Fish and birds are consuming plastic.
2 The plastic remainds in the ocean.
3 The plastic is being broken in allot of small pices.
4 The plastic is killing allot of animals.
5 There are some people that goes and try to help a little.
6 Animal instead of eating food they eat plastic because they don´t know.
7 They found plastic inside different birds.


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence
1.Fishes and birds are now consuming all the plastic.
2.Since the plastic does not like "destroy" by it self it stays there in the ocean.
3.The plastic also sometimes goes to the shore.
4.People and cientist are now doing new experiments to understand more about the plastic in the oceans.
5.Each day there is more and more plastic in the oceans.
6.Practically every place in the Pacific has this small pieces of plastics, only in a few places there is no plastic.
7.Lots of birds are diying because of the plastic becase they swollow it without knowing what it is.

After I saw this video I was very shocked because I didn t knew this abput the Pacific.


Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
The sea is full of fishes that eat other fishes that eat planctom. Becaus of the contaminatioon, there is not a single place in the sea were there is not plastic. Every 6 pounds of plastic there is only 1 pound of planctom, that means that planctom is 1 sixth of plastic. A fundation, is studying this by taking different prooves (muestras) of sea and watching the amount of plastic and the amount of plastic and the amount of planctom they have.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
This is so sad! Poor animals!
This video tells us:
1-Many animals are in danger.
2- Fish in the Pacific are eating Zo Plankton which shares the waters with plastic.
3-Fish and birds are consuming plastic because plankton are mixed with the plastic.
4- Since plastic isn't biodegradable all the plastic that gets in stays there until it gets to shore.
5-Scientists are doing experiments to find out why there is so much garbage in the Pacific.
6-There is 7% more plastic particles in the ocean than plankton.

Anonymous said...

Hi mis Florence
This are the seven things I learned in the video:

1 The planctons share the surface water with increasing number of plastic.

2 These of the so planktons living with the plastic is a problem to fih and birds, are now consuming plastic in addishon to plankton.

3 Since petrolium plastics are not biodegradable and remain there, breking in smaller pieces. Before it is deposited on some distant shore, or it is injusted.

4 There is 6 times more plastic than plancton.

5 Somehow this plastic acumulates more in the center of the pacific ocean. But the alarming fact is tha we find the plastic polution every where.

6 Therefore you can find plastic particles in fish and birds. Becasue of the color, some plastic particles resemble the krill.

7- Plastic pearls float on water. They concentrate toxins such as PCB, DDE up to 1.000.000 times their level in ambient sea water.


Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence
The video starts with dolphins chasing fish to eat ,these fish need plancton to live.
Petroleum made garbage is polluting the oceans.
Fish and birds eat this plastic garbage.
Experiments are being made to understand the threat of this universal catastrophe.
The Pacific Ocean is increasing the amount of trash and debris.
There is six times more plastic garbage in the ocean than plancton .
All seas are polluted. The Central Pacific has the most waste.
Birds regurguitate pieces of plastic to their chicks causing their death.
The plastic pieces are so small that animals confuse it with food.
The video ends by saying that oceans are like a soup but instead of getting thicker with krill and plancton it is getting thicker with waste.
Pierre 6a DODDS

Alina said...

Hi Miss Florence!
The video talks about lots of sea creatures or sea gulls that live there and eat there and eat plancton, but it is growing scarce due to a 100 kilometre plastic garbage. The animals that eat the plancton are eating it from the garbage and getting sick and even dying! But a Fundation is starting to figure out how to clean that area and watch it with some sort of special telescopes to help the animals in danger.
Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence

1.There are kilometers and kilometers of plastic in the Pacific Ocean.
2.One of the big problems is the animal eating the plastic because it is very bad for its health.
3.The plastic is not degradable so it starts to get smaller and smaller and sometimes it goes to some shore or it gets injusted.
4.Some people are investigating (like Catrine Charles) how the plastic can it damage our World.
5.This investigator gets some examples of trash to do different experiments like looping at their weight and compare it with the weight of the plankton that of what I understand it is what fish eat.
6.Their is six more times trash than sub-plankton.
7.Plastic nurdles absorb toxins such as PCB AND DDE.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
The video is very interesting, before I didn't know all this and now that I seen it and heard it I am very worried.
7 things I understood from this vido are:
1. That there is plastic floating in the pacific.

2.Some animals eat the plastic without knowing it is rwally plastic.

3. That in a certain distance there are aprox. 6 pounds of plastic while there is only 1 pound of plankton.

4. There is garbage in the beaches.

5. Some companies are trying to help the ocean by taking out all the plastic that is there.

6. In a sea, there is too much plastic that it looks like a swirl.

7. Birds were found dead with plastic parts inside them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Florence :

1 Any plastic that fells in the ocean stays there
2 Zopliting increasies little peaces of plastic
3 Plastic finaly becomes in little pieces and appear in the shore
4 Captain Charles Moore is working and triyng to fix this envoiremental plastic problem
5 Now there are plastic particles on birds and fishes
6 Captain Charles Moore traveled to many places in the remote area in the pacific ocean.
7 Captain Charles groop get some of this plastic and analise it in their laborotry

Kissess Emi Huidobro 6a pchica

Anonymous said...

Hy Miss Florence
The video says that many animals live in the ocean. People are throwing a lot of plastic into it and we can find plastic polution in almost all the ocean. There is a foundation that is studing this plastic in the Pacific and they are very shocked with what they are seing. There is more plastic than zooplanton! The fish need to eat plancton, but plancton is desapeiring because of plastic. Many animals have been found dead because of eating plastic, they confuse the food with the plastic!!!
We must start looking out for our planet!!!
Many animals are dying because of our fault we must do something to save them!
Lots of Love
Vicky M

Anonymous said...

This is a great video to help us learn whats happening.
1Fish are dolphins primary food
2Fish eat sub plankton
3Plankton share the surface of the water with minute particles of plastic
4Fish and birds now also eat plastic
5Any plastic in the ocean stays there because it is not biodegradable
6Ocean is filling up with trash
7Every 6 pounds of plastic you only find one pound of plankton
Nico f 6b

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting vidio about plangton in the Pacific. The plangton is dissapearing because of all the plastick and garbage. The birds and fishes are eating plangton along with plastic and garbage that is killing them. People ar examining it by taking it out of the ocean and looking at it with a microscope trying to find a solution to help save the animals.
Harry.J 6a

Anonymous said...

Hi MIss Florence
7 things Iearned from the video:

1. Seagulls mistake "nurdles" for food and eat them and die

2. Lots of plastic is being found in the Pacific

3. There is more plastic then zooplankton in the ocean

4. Plastic breaks up into little peices and is mistaken for food

5. Scientists sample the water, and analyze it in the laboratories

6. Animals are dying from the plastic

7.The plastic ends up on a shore and contanimates the area


-Eli 6C

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
I didn't know that fishes eat plancton, I didn't know that the primary food of dolphins, I didn't know that there was so many plastis in the oceans, the most important thing that impact me was that the birds and fishes confused withe the planctons and eat the plastis that was contaminating the ocean, I dinn't know about the plancton but when I heard that plancton was dissapearing it impact me, in the Pacific Ocean there is a lot of km with a lot of plastic all over it and there is a fundation that are studyin the plastic with telescopes.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Florence,
I think this video was very interesting and wonderfull.What I anderstood that the viedo said was that the Pacific Ocean is full of wonderful animals and that there is a lot of polution.And a foundation that is studying the plastic and they are amazed because of the amout of plastic there is.
Flora 6a

Anonymous said...

hi miss florence
this are the 7 thing about the video

1- Dolphins eat fish, fish feeds with plancton, and now plancton is shearing the surface water with plastic.

2- Fish and birds are now consuming plastic.

3- Any plastic that is in the water remainds there

4- The ocean is filling up with trush.

5- If you compare the weight of plastic and of plancton, For ever 6 pounds of plastic it is 1 pound on plancton.

6- The alarming thing is that all the samples that they found were full of plastic.

7- Fish and birds cant see plancton , so they eat plastic enstad of plancton and the prim material of plastic that contains toxins are very simmilar to fish eggs so birds eat prim material of plastic estad of eating fish eggs and they die

milagros s.g olivos 6c

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence this video talks about "Plastic in the Pasific"
The fishes that eat nute polific creature called soplanton, this days so planton share the serfis water with increasing of plastic particles, this is a big problem because fishes and birds are not consuming plants as they don t consume plants they die .
They are doing a marine research foundation to take plastic away, when they found an animal in the water the animal was full of plastic and oviusly dead, they found plastica and trash.
They (people that work at the marine) try to find out the mass of all the plastic and the mass of all the trash that is in the waters in the pasific ocean for that they use a lot of aparators, in there S.E.A lab, Redondo Beach, CA they compare the weight of hte plastic particles that they acumulate throw all the way in the ocean.
No place is free of plastic, no one had realise at the affect on human disturaction of this plastic particles, fishes and birds.
In the coast there are large plastic fragnens, if water animals don t have food they could die.
They found 27000 pices of plastic, if we don t do something with the plasticin the pacific a lot of birds would be dead because they can t eat that fishes that are in the pasific water all contaminated by the plastic, plastic (nurdels) transport toxins in the ocean eviroment.
Plastic resin pellets(nurdels) abstract and consentrate toxins such as PCB and DDE up to 1000000 times their levels in ambimental sea.
As a conclucion we could say that there is plastic in the pasific, there are animals that are dieing thanks the plastic and if we don t do something the pasific would be full of plastic.

Bye Bye Miss Florence I hope you lik my comment


Anonymous said...

Hello Florence,
these are 7 things I learnt:
1.that all the ocean is contaminated

2.that there is a foundation helping

3.That the plasting getts smaller

4.that the petrolio kills the animals in the ocean

5.that the animals are loosing their nutrient

6.that plankton is disappearing and as it is food for some fish, the fish die

7.and also that animals confuse food with plastic

Flora 6a

Anonymous said...

Hi miss florence the video said:

1)Dolfhins in the sea eats fishand the fish eats the plancton,In this days plancton is shareing the water with plastic so now some sea animalslike birds are eating plastic
2)Any petrolian plastic remainds in that place.
3)Some peaces of plastic are so small that fish dosent realise the difernce beetween plancton and plastic
4)The ocean is fool of trash
5)They took a sample ofplastic and plancton and compere their weith.They found that in six pounds of plastic were one pound of plancton
6)They found that every were they where they was plastic every werein all the samples they took
7)They shoud in a microscope a planctom and a peace of plastic and you couldnt realise the diference.The bird confuse the fish eggs with nerdle(primary source of plastic)
By:Dolores S.G

Anonymous said...

Hello miss Florence!!
The video is very interesant and I lerned some things like....
That the dolphins are in the surface of the pacific ocean, were they have their food that is fishes.
Every plastic of the ocean remains there contaminating and bracking in to lots of peases.
The captain of the oceans, who traveled from many remote areas of the pacific ocean. And he was inpresed of the amount of trash in lots of beaches.
The captain when to the S.E.A Laboratory and he compared the weight of the plastic trash he found in the oceans, of the six pounds he found one that was of ¨plancton¨.
He, the captain had/has a boat and he fishs with it!
There are fishis and animals living in that ocean.
The plastic of th ocean becomes smaller each time and contaminates more the ocean.
Bye Clari.C 6b

Anonymous said...

hi miss florence the video says about the pacific ocean.There are beatifull animals in the sea and many people is throwing plastic to the sea. animals such as sea gulls or sharks eat fish and fish eat planktons and the plankton are starting to dissapear.The video was very good well by.
Benjamin.s.l Pchica

Anonymous said...

hi florence the video says that on the pacific ocean lovely fish or animals that live in the ocean they are eeing killed by plastic because in all the ocean platic is there and it is reaching to land
Maximo M

Anonymous said...

Hi Florence
This viddeo talks about fishs in a ocean that their are dieng because plasticis sorrounding them and all animals think that is food and the plastic is reaching to the beachs

Anonymous said...

hello miss florence
the video is about the pacific ocean that the fishes are diyng because in the north pacific there is a 100 kilometer plastic garbage wirpool. A lot of animals eat the plancton in the garbage wirpool and die. There is a foundation that is studying how to help the animals. I think that this is a real problem because a lot of animals are dying and its all our fault because we dont recycle thins and we throw them to the ocean.
Very interesting
Augusto b 6a pchica

Anonymous said...

Hello Florence,
This video is about a gigantic wirpool that there is in the Pacific Ocean. But this is not an ordinary wirpool this one is made of garbage. This wirpool traps the pllancton that some animals eat. The animals go to eat the plancton and die. A foundation is investigating how to help these animals.
I think we should not throw more garbage into the ocean and we should recycle it.
Very interesting.
Augusto.B pchica 6A

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence
This video talks about that in the pacific ocean they are dolphins, there is a huge trash. If we still throwing all the trash the world will be a disaster. The seagulls or the fish eat the garbage cause they confuse it with plankton and they may die. Some boats recolect the garbge in the sea. The plastic turns smaller and contaminate the ocean. Animals are loosing nutrients.
We have to help the world!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
Sorry I am writing the compulsery comment so late... I will send you by mail the list.
1) There are little creatures that live in the ocean called planktons. And now a days planktons are disapearing because of the plastic.
2)there is more plastic than plankton in the pacific ocean.
3) animals like birds and dolphines confuse and eat plastic instead of plankton and because of that they can die.
4) there is more and more plastic on the pacific ocean.
5)alot of birds are daying beacuse of eating plastic
6)a foundation is studing parts of the water and in that part of water there was more plastic then water
7) there is an 100 kl whirpool in the pacific ocean.

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Florence,
I've learned that plankton is the starting point of the food chain in sea animals. Therefore if there is pollution that is the same size as plankton, this is very risky for all of sea animals. Its incredible how many plastic is in the sea, in the video it says that there is six times more plastic than plankton, thats terrible!!!
Hopefully the foundation will help to find a solution for this big problem, allthough we all know we have to stop polluting the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss florence
what I learnt is:
1.there are plastic afloat on the ocean

2.there are fish and animals living there

3.there are animals that think the plastic if food so the eat the plastic

4.the plastic becomes into small peaces and contaminate the ocean

5)alot of birds are daying beacuse of eating plastic

6)a foundation is studing parts of the water and in that part of water there was more plastic then water

7) there is an 100 kl whirpool in the pacific ocean.

and thats what I learnt
BYE vartan

Anonymous said...

Miss Florence,
sory I forgot to put my name.
This is my comment:

Hi Miss Florence,
Sorry I am writing the compulsery comment so late... I will send you by mail the list.
1) There are little creatures that live in the ocean called planktons. And now a days planktons are disapearing because of the plastic.
2)there is more plastic than plankton in the pacific ocean.
3) animals like birds and dolphines confuse and eat plastic instead of plankton and because of that they can die.
4) there is more and more plastic on the pacific ocean.
5)alot of birds are daying beacuse of eating plastic
6)a foundation is studing parts of the water and in that part of water there was more plastic then water
7) there is an 100 kl whirpool in the pacific ocean.

Michelle 6C

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Florence,
This video talks about lovely dolphins that live in the Pacific Odean, and they it fish, and fish eat plancton, so plancton is desappearing because in the North Pacific ocean there is a 100 kilometre plastic and garbage whilpool, it is incredible. In which sea gulls and fish eat the trapped plancton in the disaster of plasting garbage and start dying!!! But a foundation would take plastik out of the sea to help this poor animals.
Good Post
Juli M. 6°B

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