As we have started talking about forces, particularly about gravity, I found this site which was worth while checking... Make sure you click planet by planet, and then zoom in and out with the controls on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Enjoy!
Hello Miss Florene,
I think the page is great, I liked the moon going around the Earth.
Joaquín S.6ºB Olivos
P.S.:Keep on posting
Hello Miss Florence,
I think that the site is excellent to learn all about the gravity, the forces and all the satellite.
Ramiro Sa. 6B Olivos
Hello miss florence I think this page is great and it is very funny to have the opportunity to investigate our solar system by our selves and in the Computer!!!!!
This page was easy to use and to interpretate so I had no need to worry about that
See you tomorrow in BK
Domi6c olivos
Hello Miss Florence,
The page is fantastic, I learned a lot because I saw that the sun doesnt moves, the ones who moves is the earth and the other 5 planets more. I saw the planets in details, Neptiune is the more complicate. The page you took it, is of Science I think so. Because the ones who study these are Scientists. From where you took the page?
You will think that I go to bed late, but it isn't because I am sick, tomorrow I am not going to school, so
See you on Thursday, if I am well.
Belu D 6B
Hello mis fLORENCEEEE!!
this page is fantastic!
see you TOMOROW
are you caming???
florence the page is wonderfull.
here we can learn fantastic things about earth, moon, gravety and satellites.
thank you!!!!!
sere terzolo 6a pchica
Hello Miss Florence, I saw all the planets, it´s wonderful!!! to say it on other words, I could see planets that humans couldn´t go, now at this days, but I think that some day humans will go very iselly to those planets.jaja
sorry I didn´t bloged, I was busy
the blog is grat...keep on posting
meli b
hello miss florence jupiter had a lot of satelites.I liked the page.
joaco.m 6a olivos
Hello Miss Florence
I think you have great ideas!!!!
This page of the planets is fantastic,because you can see all the moons or the moon each planet has;you can also see how fast each planet goes around the sun.
Chiara.R 6B pchica
Hi Florence!
Its a very intresting page, you can learn a lot and understand!
fifi vega
pchica 6a
Hello Miss Florence,
The page is fantastic, I learned a lot because I saw that the sun doesnt moves, the ones who moves is the earth and the other 5 planets more. I saw the planets in details, Neptiune is the more complicate. The page you took it, is of Science I think so. Because the ones who study these are Scientists. From where you took the page?
see you tomarrow
chiara f ol
Miss Florence,
This was fun I spent a lot of time looking at it´,first I couldn´t find earth then I put zoom and I observed the earth. When I paused it sometimes I could see that some planets were in the same line it was fun thinking of how near we are from Mars and when I saw Mars I thought of the investigators looking for the answers of when are they going to send the first man to Mars and if
it is secure everyone could go and live there if this planet (Earth) is contaminated I would like it so we can have a better future for our suns and daugthers and their suns and daughters it would be fun because in the future maybe we can haveour own spaceship and go to visit the moon whenever we wanted but on the other side thinking of earth would be terrible.
xoxoxoxoxo & lots of love
Agus m 6a olivos
Hi Florence the page is fantastic, I liked it a lot! The sun must have a lot of gravity to keep the nine planets in orbit. Also the earth has many gravity (not more than the sun) to keep the moon around it.
bye xoxo
Miri S. pch
Hello Miss Florence,
It is amazing how the planets go moving and how Jupiter goes faster than Pluto, but I have a question, where is the world????
Bye Miss Florence, have a good weekend see you on Tuesday,
Agustina F.
Dear Agus...
The world is the third planet: Mercury, Venus, Earth!
Have a great weekend!
Hello miss florance,
I enter to the site and it was fantasting
I like it a lot but it went slower and slower when I wantes to enter.
I like very much the picters and videos like the moon around the earth.I like a lot and also because I liearn more about gravity.
I think that scientist can do a lot with is page.
I like it a lot
I wish you a nice holidays
I will still bloging
Chiara F &C olivos
Hello Miss Florence!
I already knew this page becuase one of my unts works like a science teahcer in U.S.A, and she shows me a lot of things when i go to visit her. Anyways it was great to refresh mi mind and see it again i liked it a lot....
Martu.P olivos 6b
Hello Miss Florence:
This post is very intresting I was really inpresed when I saw that so much things went around Jupiter and also when i saw the others that only three or two things went around!i like it a lot ! see you next class !The information is great like the blog ! keep on posting !
Agus M. pchica 6A
Miss Florence,
Loved the site and it is very interasting! See you XOXO
Oh my god!! its incredible!!
I'd die to live in saturn or in jupiter, imagine, insted of counting the stars as in Abrahams story, COUNT THE MOONS!! jajajaja.
Well, at last, I want to know why they did not live happily ever after, could you give me a pre estreno of it?
See you in 13 days
marcos.t 6a
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