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Yes... And so have I! But did you know how the resetting of the pins works? Check this How Stuff Works video,
See what you can make of this... COMPULSORY COMMENT FOR NOVEMBER 8th!!!!
Many of you have wondered what the UV index is... Well, please click on the link, and then learn about the different levels of these rays an...
I tried changing the surfaces but they dindnt change so the car always reached up to the green flag, maybe I didnt understand it or maybe the game wasnt working, well, event though it didnt work the idea of the game was very good, I liked it, and I would like to play it one day.
Sofi L.
Hahaha It is very funny because you keep trieng butt it is imposiblee!!
Thank youu
Hi Florence y played this game and y coudnt reach with any surface the blue flag it always stayed in the green flag. It is a very good game but it is very difficult
Nicola 6a
Hi Miss Florance
I was so frustrated, every time I change the surface but it seemed on purposed it didn´t reeach to the blue flag.So any of those surface is not adequated to the car, but maybe we can change that by rising up the begining of the road so it to have more speed.
I thought that Ice as it is so slippery will do fine but it
Thank you very much it was so much fun!!! I remember playing this game but a bit different in this blogg but you had to rase the height.
See you soon
Valen P. Olivos 6a
Hi florence,
Its a very funn game but I tried with all the surface, that means that every surface have friction.
The car arrived to the green flagh with any surface.
bye bye macu
He florence
I tried this game a lot of times with difrent surfaces but is imposible however is a very good game I would like to play it again other day.
Bye Mati S 6ª
NICE GAME! it was fun although it didnt change the surface so it couldnt go further.
andy k
hellow miss florence
OHHH THAT was a interesting game of frictionnnn buut.. i dind´t get to the end i tried to change all the surfase but it was allways the same! no one work but suerly it have a reason ..
byeeee byeee kisess and hugs
clara a 6 b pchica
Hi Florence, the game is fun but I tried with all the surfaces but the car always reached up to th egreen flag
kisses Michelle C 6b
Hi Miss Florence:
Hi I did it at least ten times and I realized itwas imposible and the car always stopped in the green flag because of friction.
HELLO mis florence
in the game i could notice the diffrence of friction each surface had the carpet had allot of friction the ice almost didnt have friction and then the others were in the middle i tried to push the car with diffrent strenght and i could notice that the car sometimes could go farther and reach to the blue flag like with the metal that with the first push it gets to the green flag and when you increse the strenght it got to the blue flag
bye fran g
Hi Florence, I played the game but in all the surfeces, the truck didn't change, it always stopped in the red flag. I don't know if the game didn't work or if I didn't understand it.
Uriel 6b
I played the game and it was good but it never got to reach the blue flag.
Lucas M.
Loved the game but hate it at the same time because I kept changing the surfaces and the car didnt get to the blue flag! But I kept trying and I did it! When I put for the surface, ICE and the big push (red light), the car went through the blue flag and passed it!
I think it was a very interesting game for when we are studying friction because this game shows us that there are different frictions in different surfaces.
Well, thanks for the game! Keep on posting things like this!
Bye, Ksses,
Michelle 6C
Hi Miss Florence,
Even changing the surfaces I couldn´t make it go to the blue flag because friction made vinyl, carpet, wood and ice go slow, so they aren´t good for friction.
See you,
Axel G
Hi miss Florence,
I tried changing all the surfaces and the truck got to the blue flag. The friction of ice is minor.
Andres J
Hi Miss Florence,
Now I understand! I had to put the surface into the ramp. The ice has less friction and slides better, so it could go to the blue flag.
See you,
Axel G
Hello Miss Florence,
I tried ceveral times and after traing I could do it. It made me lern about the forces a lot, pelace post more so we can quip on learning.
Hello Miss Florence,
I did it ceveral times until I could do which was the bist flour.
I liked it a lot, can you post more like this one to make us lern more.
Hello Miss Florence,
I did it ceveral times until I could do which was the bist flour.
I liked it a lot, can you post more like this one to make us lern more.
It is very temptive to keep on trying in differents things like wood etc.It never reaches at the Blue flag.For me that car isnt the type of car to be in that roads.
But is very good this game.
A kiss
Tomas B- 6 B -pchica.
hi Florence,
it was very intresting the game and very fun. But i couldn´t reach the blue flas and it always stayd in th green flag.
It was imposible.
Thanck you
Santi. S
6B (punta chica)
Florence!is very good this game but it never reaches up to the blue flag!IT IS VERY DESSESPERATED.
It had a lot to be with friction, because of the push.
Bauti C B
pchica 6 b
matinhi Florence,
it was very intresting the game and very fun. But i couldn´t reach the blue flas and it always stayd in th green flag.
It was imposible.
Thanck you
Santi. S
6B (punta chica)
Hi FLorence,
it was very intersting and very good. It was impossible.
Thank you
Marcos P
Hello miss Florence,
I loved the game, I like a lot this type among others of posts. I tryed changing the type of floor but it didnt change so: the truck didnt reach the blue flag because the friction between the track surface and the car was too high.
See you,
Ana (olivos)
Miss Florence: Too dificult, I didnt reached either the green flag. I liked the game, it was like very good, I`v never saw a game of friction, it is like, wow! How did you find it?
I also, think that it was like a bit frustrating, because you could never reach the last flag!
See you tomorrow.
Sofi B
Hi Florence,
The game worked perfectly and i understanded that with different surfaces there is less or more friction.
Miss Florence:
I tried with all the surface, but is imposible!!, I anly reached to the green with all the surface. Is very funny, because you trie you trie but you don´t get there!!!!
Hi Miss Florence
I played the game of Friciton 2 and in ice and vinyl they were possible put in carpet and wood they were imposible! I like the game because it help us we friciton. I could reach the conclusion of the game. That in different floors they would be different types of friction.
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C
Hi Florence,
I tried with all the surface there were and no one worked they all reached the green flag and not the blue one. I had fun anyway.Really good game.
See you on class
Bye bye
Mili F. Pchica 6B
Hi florence the game was very difficult because all the surface had friction that's why the car always stopped in the green flag
bye see you
Tadeo S
Hi Florence:
This is a great game. I tried 10000 times but it didn't get to the blue flag never. I Becamed worried about it because I thought I was the silliest boy in school, because he have ben talking about this almost 3-4 classes and I coudn't win a little game.
Hi Miss Florence,
I first play the gamed and it would not go any further than the green flag. The I understand it, yo had to click the material like wood, ice or carpet and drag it to the race track and then it worked, I COULD GET TO THE BLUE FLAG. I tried all materials but I got to the blue flag with ice. It is a funny game.
Santi B
Hi florence the game was very difficult because all the surface had friction that's why the car always stopped in the green flag
bye see you
Tadeo S
Hi Miss Florance
I am doing again the comment becuase first my comment was wrong.
I realised that yo had to drag the surface to the ramp.
I saw, analaysed and observed that ice as it is very slippery was the only surface that could transport the car to the blue flag. I tried with vyln and it reached but it didn´t pass.
I always new that the carpet will not be the adequated surface to ride the car, so my hypothesis was right. The carpet has alot of friction. When you rub your feet with a carpet you can see you go slow, because of the cloth of the carpet.
The ice it is slippery, it is steep but the surface plane and that makes it perfect to ride the truck.
When I put the road with wood it will reachto the green flag.
I liked the game. The first time I couldn´t change the surface so I had it wrong.
I like this types of games alot because with a simple game like this there is a gigantic explanation behind.
Kisses & Thanks!
Keep on bloggin!!!
See you soon!
With Love
Valentina P. 6A Olivos.
Miss florence,
It was interesting the game. I change al the surfaces but it was always the same
Artu Elsztain
Hi miss Florence I am a little bit nervious because I played the game 100 times but it nevero got there.
When I realized the joke I laughed a lot.
Hello Miss Florence,
I tried lots of times but the car would not get to the blue flag it would get to the green one, It is impossible !!!!jajaja
Hello Miss Florence!
I tried with different surfaces. At first I couldn't understand. I just reached to the green flag but then I could and I tried with the ice surface and I could
kisses sol 6a
its imposible the surface didn't change or all the surfaces had the same friction. it always stopped in the gree flag!!
Hello Miss Florence:
I tried the vinyl surface and the truck didn´t reach the blue flag because the friction between the track surface and the car was too high. I tried the wood surface and it happened the same as the first one. I tried the carpet surface and it happpened the same as the first one. And with the ice surface again it happened the same as the first one. See you in class !!!!!!!
Felipe Olivos 6B
I played and the carpet move nothing only a little bit but in the ice it got out of the screen.
Santi Fz
hi florence
it was very funny but it reach upto the green flag so i wasn´´t able to do it.
hi florence i know how to change it you have to drag the surface.
by Mchelle C 6b punta chica
hi florence
this game is very goor i tried to with all the surfaces until i tried with the ice.
it was very fun.
vicky 6ºB pchica
Miss Florence,
It may, of course not be the materials that are the problem, but the car itself! Maybe its tyres where high-friction in order to makeit impossible to win the game!
Hi Miss Florence,
it was very fun....I got to the blue flag with the wood surface.
But it took many tries!!!
Thank you for giving us a fun but educational game!!!!
6ºB Olivos
I played many times but it didn´t reach the last flag I also do it with all of the sourfaces.
Hi Miss Florence
Great Game but complicated
It was a funny game because I tried and tried but it was impossible , but the complicated part was when I tugged on the red button with all my strength but it slowed down.
Thank you for the game
Hello Miss Florence,
Finally I could make the car stop at the blue flag, I haden't realice that you had to drag the surface not just change it with the arrows, I made the car get to the blue flag by putting the ice surface.
Grate Game!!!
Kisses AGUSTINA M 6°A olivos
Hy Miss Florence
I followed your instructions and finally I got to the blue flag.
You had to drag the different surfaces to the ramp and so like that it worked.
Lots of Love
Vicky M
Hello Miss Florance
I tried with all the surfaces, but any one worked, but if they worked I think that ice would be the beter.
hi miss florence
I tried with all the surface but i couldn t so then i thought that maby it was like that on purpoise, because there is not enough friction
it always sttoped at the green flag it was very funny.
then i started thinking that maby the carpet made it slow down and the ice made it faster but it didn t!!!
kisses vale g
Hi Florence
Very good the game first I didn`t understand it but then I reched the last flag.
See you
hi miss florence
i tried but you cant and you changed the surface but nothing happends till i read the other coments of my friends and no one could
kisses vani
It is very difficult I tried chainging the surfeces and I cant get to the blue flag I only passed the green one!!!!!!
nicky b
Hi Florence: I keep-on trying to change it but all the "floors" are to heavy for the car so it stops on the Green Flag!!!!
Thank you
Ana D
Hi Miss Florence
I tried with all the surfaces but it always got up to the green flag. First I thought the ice was going to be the one because it was slippery but it didn't. I tried two times with each of them until I realized that it was impossible
Bye Pierre 6a
Hi Florence
It was very difficuly i couldnt reach the point with any surface. It could only reach the third flag
I want to win it!!
Mendii 6a
Hi Miss Florence,
I changed the surface. And I saw that Ice is much faster than carpet. And vinyl and wood are intermediate. If you had the vinyl surface, and you push it slowly the car will get to the green flag, and if you push it stronger, the car will get to the blue flag.
If you had the wood floor and you pushed it slowly it will get to the red flag, and if you pushed it stronger it will get to the green flag.
If you used the carpet surface, and you push it slowly it will reach a little bit, and if you push it stronger you will get to the red flag.
And finally if you use the ice surface, and you push it slowly it will reach to the blue flag, and if you push it stronger it will pass the blue flag.
Well see you on friday Florence,
Bye Lourdes Undem 6c
Hi Miss Florence,
I forgot to tell you something about the game you put in the blog. That the game was very good, I could put all the surfaces for the game. It teached me a lot about friction.
Bye Florence,
Lourdes Undem 6c
Hello Miss Florence!!
I tried with three surfaces : Viny, Wood and Ice, and the ice was the one I used to get to the blue flag.
I will play it again many more times with more surafces and always try to get to the blue flag
Hugs and Kisses
hi miss florence
i played again and realized that i had to put the surface so that it worked and the first one i tried was ice and it worked, there is friction, i thought of the ice because it is slippery
kisses vale g
I change it in all the posible ways and I saw that it went more faster with ice because the ice is more slider and it is more isill to the car to slide in tha floor that is made with ice
See you next class!!!
By:Dolores S.G
Hi Miss Florence,
Although I tried with all the different surfaces it did not reach to the green flag.
hello Miss Florence
i could not reach to the blue flag but i get to the green one i did not understunded but it was funny and good
see you later bye
hello Miss Florence
i could not reach to the blue flag but i get to the green one i did not understunded but it was funny and good
see you later bye
hello Miss Florence
i could not reach to the blue flag but i get to the green one i did not understunded but it was funny and good
see you later bye
This game is fun and easy it took me a while but then i used common sense and picked ice.
Nico F 6b
Hello mis florence,
I tried with all of them but with the one I could was ice. It was the one with less friction, that is what I learnt. This is what happened:
With vinyl it went til the green flag.With wood it went til the orange.With the carpet it just did a few steps.With the ice I made it all the way to de blue flag.
That means that the floor with less friction is the Ice floor. And the floor with more friction is the carpet. That makes lot of sense. I learnt a lot with this game, Thanks for the oportunity,
Fran M 6a
(By the way I realy had fun playing)
I tried with all the diffrent surfaces but the car got to the green flag. I liked the game but it is impossible.
Julia S.
I tried with vyrnil but it got to the second flag. but with ice to the 3 one!
Then with wood I got to the first one and with carpet to the second one.
Itried and I tried but I coulden do it, it is imposible it is very fun.
Belen D
Hi Miss Florence,
Urgh!!!!! This game is imposible!!! I tried with different surfaces but none let the car get to the blue flag!
As Vale.P thought, the ice would make the car slipper to the blue flag, but it seemed as if it reached the green flag all the times I changed the surfaces...
As to conclude, none of the surfaces, neither Wood, Ice, Carpet or Vinyl, made the car reach the blue flag because of their high surfaces.
Thanks for the game!
Hello Miss Florence
I found the game impossible to do. I couldn't change the surface and I tried, I tried pushing the button for longer or less time but it only ever got upto the green flag.
Hello miss florence
I tried changing all the surfaces but the car only and always reached to the green flag.
BYE vartan
Hello miss florence
I tried changing all the surfaces but the car only and always reached to the green flag.
BYE vartan
Hello miss florence
I tried changing all the surfaces but the car only and always reached to the green flag.
BYE vartan
Hello miss florence
I tried changing all the surfaces but the car only and always reached to the green flag.
BYE vartan
Hi Florence,
I once tried to do it, and I don`t know why I couldn't. But now I tried it again and I could reach the blue flag with the ice surface! I loved the post!!!
See you on class!
Bye bye.
Mili F. Pchica 6B
Hi Florence I seem to understand the game. Depending on the surface (vynil, ice, wood and carpet) and the friction the car moves at a different speed, and it reaches different places. This are my conclusions:With wood the truck didnt reach the blue flag,it only reached the red flag,
because the friction between the truck surface and the truck was too high. With carpet the same thing happened but it almost didnt
move. With ice the car reached the blue flag. With vynil the truck reached the green flag. It seems that vynil and ice are ¨smoother¨ so the car could slide and wood and carpet were ¨rougher¨ because the car didnt move that much.
Good game,
Fausti Van Thienen 6a Pchica
Hi Florence I seem to understand the game. Depending on the surface (vynil, ice, wood and carpet) and the friction the car moves at a different speed, and it reaches different places. This are my conclusions:With wood the truck didnt reach the blue flag,it only reached the red flag,
because the friction between the truck surface and the truck was too high. With carpet the same thing happened but it almost didnt
move. With ice the car reached the blue flag. With vynil the truck reached the green flag. It seems that vynil and ice are ¨smoother¨ so the car could slide and wood and carpet were ¨rougher¨ because the car didnt move that much.
Good game,
Fausti Van Thienen 6a Pchica
Hi miss Florence
I thought that with ice on the surface it would get. I couldn´t understund the meaning of the game. I tried and tried but it never got to the blue flag. I thought there was a trick but at last I realised it was impossible!!!!!!!!
Miss Florence,
It was fun to experiment with diferent surface materiales to look at the quantity of friction given. I first tried ice because I knew it was slippery so it would have less friction, and guess what! My theory was correct! The car reached the last flag.
See you on Monday,
I changed surfaces but the car would not reach the blue falg, it always stoped at the green one.
I thought that as ice is very slippery, the car will reached the blue falg but it didn´t!
Although the car couldn´t complete the track, it was a very good game and fun also.
Marcos E 6B Pchica
Hi miss Florence,
I was wondering why any of the surfaces work. Then I looked for more but they were the same. So then I realised that with any of those surfaces wont work in this case because the rut were the truck had to turn it would always produce friction. no mutter how hard and how much speed the car got it would never finish because frction would slow it down.
Thank you miss Florence because I could learn that sometimes it isnt a matter of surface to produce friction.
happy mom's day.
see you on monday.
Giorgia 6b.
Hi miss Florence
I couldnt reach the blue flag until i chose the ice surface. With the ice surface I could do it with a bit of luck.
I loved the game because it was interesting and I could learn a lot.
It was impposible because the different elements went the same does it have a trik?
Hi Felorence
The game was very cool(you also)
You could change the floor and the strengh with which you hit the truck and because of that it reached different flags.
Carpet was the slowest and ice was the fastest.
Maxi Bono 6a Pchica
Hello Miss Florence
The reason why the truck didnt reach the blue flag was because the friction between the tuck surface and the car was too high.
I change the surfaces but nothing happend it couldnt reach the blue flag it always stopted in the green flag.
I like this game.
Bye Bye Agostina G 6C DODDS
Hi Miss Florence
I was tired
I tried to put all the surfaces many times but none of them got to the blue flag. This activity is impossible!! This was because the surface had a very high friction for the car to get to the blue flag.
It was a very funny activity
Keep on posting
Marina 6b
Hi Miss Florence
Is imposible I am going to continue trying because I couldn't doit very well.
Kisses Franca.G
Hello Miss Florence:
I couldnt reach to the end Im not a very good player , But I had fun.
Maybe I didnt understund very well hoe the game work.
sofi f
Hi mis florence,
I couldnt do it... it always kept on stopping in the same place. It was impossible. Keep on posting games... they are fun!!!!
Marco S
Hello Florence,
It is a good game,very funny.First it did not work and I thought it was the worst game I ever played because it was impossible to win but then I realized I had to drag the vinyl,wood,carpet or ice to the track and it was fun.
Bye,Mati F
Hello miss florence :
I tried with all the diferent surfaces but it didnt reach the blue flag , i thought with the sufrace in ice it would work but it kept on not reaching the blue flag it was very frustrating , but it was fun anyways
it is inposiblee thid game because it never reachs the blue flag with any surface you tire
fede 6c
Hi Florence
The game has a good purpose and in the end you notice that it is impossible to reach the blue flag. You always end up on the green one no matter what surface you put.
Lucas G
Hi Miss Florence
It is a very good game, with the surface of the carpet the car had very little friction.In the surface of the ice, the car had many friction.
Tomas P
First I dont know how to change the surface so it always stop at the same flag. And after I realized how to do it and I realized that with the ice it always reach the last flag.
See You
Hi Florence,
I tried to reach the blue flag several times and even so the car always ended up in the sames green flag and I also tried changing the surfaces and the still did not change. I liked the thanks a lot and I hope I get it right someday.
See you soon!
Madeleine Aiello
Hi Miss Florence,
I played the game and it was really good and fun.
In the last part there, where there were the yellow and the red lights that marked from where you had to push, mostly everytime I got to the first or the second flag(I don´t remember the colours), bu twhen I tried ice I got with the yellow light to the third flag and with the red light I passed the third flag with a big amount of speed.
See you tomorrow,
Guido 6b
hi miss Florence
At first I tried one of the surface called Vinyl and the acr reached to the green flag. I tried with many others but it couldnt reach
But when I tried with ICE It could reache to the blue flag!!
It is a very good game!!!
mili 6c
Hi miss Florence again
I did it, after playing the game yesterday I thought there was something to do, it had to be so I tried today again and I found out how to do it. I found out that the carpet is the surface with more friction and the ice has less friction of all.
It was fan because you could trie each serfes and see wich one has more friction that others. This game helps you to know alot of frictions and it was very good of the game that you have gols and you have to do it and i could do all the gols.
hi florence,
It was very fun because the car didn`t reach the flag until the end...
sofi d
Hi miss florence
I could reached the blue flag in the ice surface and i could realized that all the surface had different amount of friction.
Facu V.
Hi miss Florence
I thought as well that the other kids that the computer wasn't working but thn I realised that it was immposible
Finally I was able, it is very interesting how in ice it reaches the last flag and in wood it doesnt reach even the second flag, well, it was a good game for friction.
Sofi l
I did when the game with the ice surface I could reach but with the others ones I couldnt reach to the flag
Hi florence
The first time I tried but I couldnt because I didn´t know that we have to change the surface by dragging the surface, then I tried again and with ice surface I could.
Sabrina C.
Florence sorry to send you this by here but i left a comment and its not posted
thank you
Hi florence,
its a very good game but every time i changed the surface it couldnt reach the blue flag. It only reached the green flag.
It was very dificult but it was very fun.
Augusto Bussio 6a
hii mis florence
I like the game and it makes my understand
two things afect the distance of the car, the force that you make to push and the ground that you put. I didn't thought that we have to choose the graund and then drag it to the road, but then i relized.
bye bye
Hello mis florence,
i tried to reach the flag but it couldent because the friction between the surface was to high. Thats whit couldent reach the flag
Hello Miss Florence,
I started to play the game I chose Viny, then Wood, then Carpet, then Ice but in all of them it said me:
"The car didn't reach the blue flag that ime because the friction between the track surface and the car was too high". I tried chosing a surface with lower friction but nothing happened. I don't know if the game wanted to show us that the car couldn't reach the blue flag, if not is my computer or I did something wrong. Could you explain in class please.
Lucia L. 6a Fleming
Hi Florence, it was very easy to know that on ice was going to travel more than on a carpet or on wood, but it was very usefull and helped me to understand better the thing about forces and friction. I hope we can play it some day in class.
Nico C.
Hi Florence, it was very easy to know that on ice was going to travel more than on a carpet or on wood, but it was very usefull and helped me to understand better the thing about forces and friction. I hope we can play it some day in class.
Nico C.
I tried to change the surfaces and thecar stoped always in the green flag, and it always said that the surfaces were too high
Juanma O
Florence y tried changing different surfaces but non of them did the car got to the blue flag utpo y tried the ice whitch make the car get to the blue flag.
It was a very fun game y ingoy it thank you.
Tomas De Pamphilis
Hello Miss Florence,
In this game I learnt that carpet has a lot of friction, that wood has a lot but less than carpet, that vinyl has few friction and that ice has almost no friction.
Manuel 6ºB
Hi Florence,
I tried with every surface many time and it never reach the blue flag. But the game was good!
Mati K. 6A P.Chica
Hi miss florence
I dot know why but the car didnt get to the blu flag, it just finished on the green one.I tried in every surface but nothing happened, it just whent on on the green flag.
Maybe I didnt understand the game or it just didnt worked...
lots of love...
sorry it so late
I tried changing the surface but thcar didnt go eny farther.
Hi Miss Florence,
In this game don't matter what material you are using the car would not reach the flag. But I like it.
Juli M. 6B
Hi Miss Florence
You were right my comment is not here maybe I wrote it but I didn t post it. I think thatthe game was very good but I wasn t able to reach the goal.
PABLO 6B olivos
Hello MRs Florence!!
I rembered I put the post like three times becuase it didn't appear and know it didn't appear again and I had done it.
Bye Pancu 6A
Miss Florence I tried changing all surfaces, but they always reached the green flag, maybe is not working, it was very good but impodible.
Simon Z
Hi Miss Florence:
I had played lots of time, and I always stop in the same place, but then I tried every surfeace and I could reach to the blue flag!,
Good Game
florence changing the surface the car go faster and that made a longer way to the car
miguel fasce p chica
Hi Florence, this game was impossible if I didnt put a sleding surface.So I put the ice surficeand it work.
I real enjoy it.
Juan B 6B
Hi Mis Florence,
I could not do it, but i understood that with diferent surfaces they were less or more friction.
Hi Mis. Florence,
I could not win the game, but I undestood it perfectly, when you changed the surfaces the friction was more or less.
Matias Yeatts
Hello Miss Florence,
I've understand that with less movement the car will have more friction, eg: Carped (the one with a lot of friction) and wood (With a lot of friction but less than Carped). And with more movement the car will have less friction, eg: Ice (the one with less friction) and Vinyl (less friction but not less than Ice).
Giovanni 6°B
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