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Yes... And so have I! But did you know how the resetting of the pins works? Check this How Stuff Works video, http://videos.howstuffworks.co...
See what you can make of this... COMPULSORY COMMENT FOR NOVEMBER 8th!!!!
Many of you have wondered what the UV index is... Well, please click on the link, and then learn about the different levels of these rays an...
Hi Miss Florence
In the video I saw that the red drop bounced in the water in slow motion. I really enjoyed seeying this video althooug it was short.
Hi Miss Florence,
This is a great example of what we did today of throwing the water to the tub, how the air fought to enter the bottle, and prodiced a great, huge bubble.
See you, I loved the video
Axel G
Hi miss Florence,
Its incredible how it bounced on the water on the beaker, its incredible. And the huge bubbles.
HEllo Miss Florence,
I liked a lot to see the video of the drop in the glass. Another one in slow motion.
Bauti m
Hi miss Florence:
That video was amazing!!! When the red ball gets in the water it bounses and all the big bubbles made of water goes up.
Santi.S 6B (Punta Chica)
Hello Miss Florence,
I enjoyed a lot seeng your 4 videos and you were wright they are very interesting and we can lern a lot from them.
Hi Miss Florence
It was very short but we learn a lot.It was amazing when it bounced on the water beaker.
Matias y. AND Simon Z. 6B punta chica
hi miss florence i can see that the ball floates so when it falls water takes it right away out of it.
andy k
Hi Miss Florence,
I really enjoyed watching the video. I saw that a red drop or maybe orange drop bounced on the water, and then well went up again, and then just disolved in the water.
Mili F. Pchica 6B
Hi miss florence
i dind´t understand TOO MUCH THE video
see you in class
clara a 6b pchica
Florence!Is amazig how the ball bounced in the water beaker,is very short but with lot of information to learn.
Tomas B//pchica//6 B
Hello Miss Florence:
How does the bubble go down, comes back, goes down again and now explotes?, and that thing in which it fall was mercury?
Nico C.
Hi Miss Florence
This video was amazing also but it was a bit short. In the video the drop doesn't touch the water because of the surface tension! Thats what we learn on todays lesson that the drop is NOT FLOATING IN THE WATER. The drop bounces in the water.
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C olvios
That video was very good. When the red ball gets in the water it bounses and all the big bubbles made of water goes up.
I like the video because i was very impreasd when the drop bounced in the water I could see it very good because of the slow cam.
Miss Florence:
I could see that the red drop bounced in the water in slow motion. the videos are AMAZINING. I like them
sofi f 6c
HI Miss Florence
It is amazing how it bounced in the water in slow motion...and how it goes up it is incredible
You put a lot of examples of this types of things and know I understand it a lot ..
At first I dont understand it very wll but then yes!
Hi Florence:
With this video I realized why in class you exagerated saying "My videos in the blog are AMAZING!". This is really awsome. I would enjoy a lot if we could do this experyment. At the begining I thought it was made by computer!
Hi miss Florence
This is a very similar thing to what we did the other day with the bottle and the gauze
Hello Miss Florence:
In this video a drop of something brown was droped in a glass full of water. this video was in slow motion. Good Video. See you in class!!!!!
Felipe 6B olivos
Hello Miss Florence:
It is Ipresive, how the ball bounces against the water, I cant belive it.
Agustina M 6A Olivos
Hi miss Florence
Its incredible how it bounced the drop on the water but why does the drop goes up and down?
The video was short but interesting.
Juan Bonora
hi florence.
Thise video was the same like the otherone and I coul'd see one part because it stop and I could't see the rest.
maximo.bonora bye
Hi miss Florence,
Although this video was short, and it left me with desire of watching more and more, it was a very intresting and magic video.
Keep on putting posts
See You!
Ana (olivos)
Hello Miss Florence;
It is really extrordinary this video I could see very weel the movement of the water at the edge of the glass. I enjoy it much.
Bye Bye Agoistina 6C
hi miss florence
it is incredible the glass is full of water and if you put another drop it flodes but i dont realy know what happend ( surface tension)
kisses vani
The Liquid stays up but the solid thing goes down.
SAni FZ 6c olivos
Hello Mrs Florence!!
It's amazing to see how the drop llike bounceses and then falls again, it's just as you explained us in class that the skin of the water didn't break. It a great example of surface tension.
Pancu 6A
Hi Miss Florence!
Great video!
It showed very carefully how surface tension worked. It was very god watching it in slow mood because you can see every detail. How the drop changes of shape and how it moves.
You do know how to choose good videos!
Hello Miss Florence,
WOW!!! I really enjoyed the video!
I liked it because it showed you what happens in our regular day lives but in a way that makes us appretiate and think more about science!
Thank you!
Hi Miss Florence,
That was just amazing how the drop of water pulled the water downwards.
Santi G. Pchica
Hello Miss Florence!
I this video I saw that red drop drop bounced on the water, and then it went up again, and then just dissolved in the water. Sol P 6a Olivos
Hi Miss Florence,
I enjoyed watching this video! I saw that the red drop or the orange drop bounced on the water, and that then went up again, and also then it disolved in the water!
It is incredible how the drop does a big movement on the surface of the water!!.I like how you can see very carefully how the drop bounced on the surface!
hello miss Florence
in this video i notice that a dirty drop is entering into a glass of clean water and it bounced in the H2O
its incredible how the drop goes down and then up and how it bouns in sloow montion
Hi mis florence
Why the spot bounced against water?? I think so
But it is very crazy I nevered Imagen that.
bye bye macu
Miss Florence,
Wow! You could see everything! From the bouncing to the brecking. At the begining when it bounced it looked like a ball, but towards the end, it was unique.
See you in class,
HOw on earth does that happen It is very intresting!!!
nickyb 6b olivos
Hi Miss Florence:
I would like to add something to what axel said, that altough it is wonderful for the example of the water, I think it is also grate to explain what you explaind in class!
Hello Mis Florence
The video was amazing I couldnt believe it. The drop jumped like if it was in an elastic bed. Surface tension went down and when it tended the drop went up and jumped.
Fran G
THis video is great, the drop was so small and it made the water sink and seen in this view the drop seemed so much bigger. It is so wierd, cause when we see a drop fall we dont see alll that bouncing and recreation.
FranM 6A
hi miss florence
i saw that when the red object was thrown it didn t get to toucht the base of the glass it just stayed at the surface because of the surface tension
Hi Miss Florence: I liked a lot the video but as you said it was short. In the video, you can see that there is a drop of water but because of surface tension something strange happens and it is as if it was not touching the glass.
See You next class, Franco.r 6b olivos
I never saw a video like this one, it was incredible, I really enjoyed watching from the bottom how the drop fell into the water and then like " bounced " and then again fell into the water. When the drop fell it looked like another sustance because it had another colour inside the water.
But this was the best video I´ve seen till now in my life.
Sofi L.
Hi Miss Florence
The video althougt is short you can learn many things. It is impresive how the drop makes the water go down and then up.
the comment before is mine Ignacio
Hello Miss Florence,
The video was short, but is was very good. I saw that the red ball fell to the water and bounced in slow-motion. You can learn a lot from this video.
Manuel 6B
Hi Miss Florence!!
I didn´t anderstand so well the video but the thing that i understud was that a drop goes into the water and then out side the water. Then it entered again and it melt in the water.
Hi Miss Florence!
In this video I saw a brown drop that was droped in the glass' water in a really slow way. It bounced as it did. It was a really good video.
Miss Florence
How weird! I love how even with all that bouncing and splashing the glass still didn't overflow! Amazing!
Hi miss florence
it was incredible how it was under the water when it fell and how the drop went out again. They put the drop in red for us to see were it went the first drop. The mayority went out again.
Wow this was amazing i didnt know that a drop goes back up once it hits the water.
Nicof 6b
Hi Miss Florance
It was a great video, and it was not magic because there were similar changes as the ones in another video.
by watching the video I saw a red drop of water bounce of the surface of the water.
harry 6a
Hi Miss Florence,
In this video I saw that the red drop was falling and like it "landed" in the surface tension and produced a big bubble. Although the video was short I understand it.
Bye Miss Florence,
Lourdes Undem 6c
Hi Miss Florence,
This video is amazing but why did the drop fo water came out transparent if it the oder one was yellow.
Bye Belen Dumas 6a
hello miss Florence,
in the video i saw a red drop and a glass full of a strange materal so the red drop bounced but the second time it fell in the glass and dissapeared.
kisses Michelle C 6B Punta Chica
Hello Miss Florence:
In this video I could notice that the orange drop bounced when it touched the surface of the liquid and I came to think that perhaps they had different density so they didn´t get together and as the video was in slow motion we could notice what was happening.
Michelle 6C
Hi Miss Florence,
It was very cool to see the bubbles and how the water reacted towards the drop.
Eli 6C Olivos
O.M.G, it´s a very INTRESTING VIDEO, I allways wanted to see how the water reacts by a drop of a liquid and I never thought it would be in that way.
Hi Miss Florence
I didnt understand what did surface tension do in this case but it was really amazing how the red drop went in and out
Vicky M
It was incredible to see the ball bounce on the water. It was a pitty that it was so short.
Matias 6c olivos
Hi Miss Florance
This video about Surface Tension II was very intresting. You could see the red drp bouncig i nthe water very slow.
This remembers me about the experiment we did of the glass bottle.
Valen P.
Hello miss florence
Wow this video is so incredible!!!
I didn´t understand something the water had a kind of colorant?
because when the little drop came doun it let kind of a substanse fall doun.
Well that soesent mater the thing that maters is that this post is fantastic!!!
bye bye
Hi miss florence,
I saw that the drop bounced on the surface tension, i remember that you posted a video very similar to this one at the first days of class.
Marco 6c
Hello Florence,
It was extradonary how the liquid fell to the glass and then went up and with the slow motion it looked as if it floated.It is very cool.
Mati F
Hi Miss Florence:
Wow AMAZING, the water worked as a "Cama Saltarina" ( sory for that word in spanish). The bubble bounced an ypu saw the water coming down. Super!!!
Mati K. 6A P.Chica
Hi miss florence
it was amzaing how the drop boanced back and maked bubles on the water.
santiago amrtelli
hello miss florence,
wow!!!it was something so good!!!
i really enjoyed seeing this video!! I knowtist that it was in slow motion because it cant go that slow.
Hi Florence
Amazing video!!!! It was amazing the red drop bounced into the water, and then bounced again up. This is suface tension.
Bye Tadeo S
Hi Miss Florence,
The water looked as if it was a trampoline. The red drop fell in the water, the water made a semi-circle and went back up like a trampoline sending the red drop back up. It shows well how surface tension works.
Lucas G. 6A
Hi Miss Florence,
The video was very funny. That little red ball fell into the water and was thrown into the air as if he was in an elastic bed. Then it fell one more time into the water and didn´t come back jumping to the air, it dissolved.
See you in Class,
Hi miss Florence :
I really enjoyed this video and here you can see
the " bubble " that surrounds the glass .
lucia G 6a
Hello miss florence
When the red water drop was falling and contact with the surface tension it bounced and then got back to the water.
Juanchi.C 6a olivos
Hi Miss Florence,
I enjoyed watching this video! I saw that the red drop or the orange drop bounced on the water, and that then went up again, and also then it disolved in the water! and it was very similar to the other one.
Matias S pchica 6a
It was incredible Miss Florence,
It was amazing the way the red drop bounced on the water and then it went into the water.
Santi B
Hello Miss Florence,
That was amazing!!!, how the ball went to the water, and we could see perfec the ball going in and out the water!!!
Giovanni 6°B olivos
Hi Miss Florence
I saw that the red ball bounced in the water because of surface tension!!!
Bye Tomas P
Miss Florence:
Wow it was very nice. Actually it was the same video as the other one but it was still very cool. Thank you .
Clare Randle
I saw that in the video the red bubble bounced on the drop
Facu V
hi miss florence
this short video is very similar to the 3º one. I really think the same as like in the other comment I did
Hi Miss Florence
I could see very clearly how the surface tension works!
Hi miss florence olthou this video was a little similer to the other one sitll is impressive how the red drop bouns with the water
See you next class!!!
By:Dolores S.G
Hello Florence,
This video was very cool. I liked to see the red drop bounce in water in slow motion.
Augusto.B 6a pchica
Hi miss Florence,
I couldnt see very well the video because it stopped. I saw that the red ball bounced with the water.
Fran.T 6a
hi miss florence
in the video you could see hoe the colour droop bounced in a very very low montion it winas amaz
This remembers me about the experiment we did of the glass bottle.
I really enjoed the video
Hi Miss Florence,
The truth is that I liked more this video than the last one because you can see the drop that goes under! It was a really cool video! I never thouth that a drop would bounce.
Flora 6th Pchica
Hi Miss Florence
Great video !!!!!
It is amazing how the water droplet falls into the water
and all the movements made by the both drops.
Hi miss florence ,
I enjoyed a lot watching this video, it was a great example of surface tension.
it was also amazing watching it in slow motion because you could see it very detiled how the drop changes of shape an moves,
kisess giorgia
I loved this video bcause it was short but showed you that the surface tension
BYE vartan
I was amazed because I saw the red drop bounce, bounce and bounced again and the blood when it bounced all the blood it went down it was increadible.
Thank you
Hello Miss Florence!
In this video of the red drop the water doesn´t let the drop go down, I can´t imagened it in normally motion!
Is Amazing Florence!!
Belu B. 6b Olivos
I saw that the red drop bounced on the water in slo motion. It was pretty cool.
Hi Miss Florence
Altough the video was terribly short, it was very cool how the drop bounded on the beaker.
And as it was in slow motion you could watch it in slower motion.
hi miss florence,
Its very intresting to see thee same video but in another point of view. I really engoy it.
hi miss florese
WOW!!!This video is incredible how the drom gets in the water and bounser.it is a lot of fun
vicky.c 6ºb pchica
Hi Miss Florence:
Its incredible how the little thing bounce through the water!!!, Imagene if we are that little thing and if we could bounce through the water!, It would be incredible!
see you tomorrow
hi florence:
it was amazing how the red drop changes sise
kiss sabrina 6a
This is similar as the other one but this does two boobles of water insted of one.
And it has a diferent colour.
hi florence:
it was amazing what the drop could do
kiss sabrina
Hi Florence:
I noticed that the red drop like bounced on the water. It was very cool I liked it.
Madeleine Aiello
Hi Miss Florence,
In the video I saw that the red drop bounced in the water in like slow motion. It was really incredible and I enjoy it.
Thank you
Juli M. 6B
Hi Miss Florence,
Its amaizing to see how the drop bounces.There are huge bubbles.
Julia S
it was incredible how the water went down like making a buble.
hi miss florence
that was realy glass, that was realy incredible because when you see it it is realy magic.
bye bye
mili olivos 6c
Hello florence
I enjoyed this video how the drop of water bounced in slow moution into the water.
Hii Miss Florence
It is incredible how the drop bounces up and down in the glass of water. It clearly explains what surfes tention is. I relly don t undestand of what liquid was made the drop ¿can it be of a substance that bounces in water?...
Bauti C
6B P Chica
Hi Miss Florence
it is amazing how you see the drop bouncing in slow motion.
I loved the video it is very interesting
See You
Marina 6b olivos
Hi florence,
Woww i always liked how water acts when something falls in it. It does it so rapidly that you cant see it.
But what was that that felll, it let like a powder! , Florence, this is a combination of upthrust and surface tension isnt it?, , its a kind of bouncing act, where, the "thing that fell" bounced and took more water up.
Ill be sending you the rubix cube video.
Fausti Van Thienen 6a Pchica
Hii Miss Florence
now I understand more clearly how the surface tension works.I see is not easy to the drop to come into the glass
bye bye
Hi Miss Florence
In this video we can see practically the same as in the first one but from an different angle and you can see the drop sunking making a sphere shape
Bye Pierre
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