Hello everyone!
This is a very special day for our Earth... Trying to remember that if each one of us doesn´t take responsibility, we will end up by harming it and us a lot... The NASA, to celebrate this day, took these amazing pictures from space... Please read this "La Nacion Online" article, and enjoy. (By the way, this day is doubly special for me... It is my eldest son"s birthday!)
This is a very special day for our Earth... Trying to remember that if each one of us doesn´t take responsibility, we will end up by harming it and us a lot... The NASA, to celebrate this day, took these amazing pictures from space... Please read this "La Nacion Online" article, and enjoy. (By the way, this day is doubly special for me... It is my eldest son"s birthday!)
Do you have any comments?
Hello Florence,
I saw the pictures in La Nacion online and there were amazing.
The article was very interesting also.
I like this day because it remainds people to look after the earth and to recycle to reuse things.
We have to help it is a very serious problem!!!
Julia S.
hello miss florence i think is very nice and interesting that the NASA is gonna do it for the earth.
the pictures where great.
this is one of the most important days for earth.
well bye
justina 6b
hi miss florence
I saw the picture it is amazing i just cant belive waht happened, and that a vvolcano had a glaciar in it. WOW!!!!
lots of love...
ps: say happybirthdayy to your son
Miss Florence,
I believe Earth day is a significant event because it represents, as the article stated, people’s interest to take care of their environment. I presents a time when we can dedicate ourselves to reflecting upon the effects of our activities around us (something we should always do, but Earth Day is a nice reminder). This is an especially important year to reflect upon this matter after nature lashed back at us so much (Haitian, Chilean and Chinese earthquakes as well as volcano in Iceland, ash all over Europe, and extreme flooding in Bangladesh and Brazil).
I also think the pictures show how much technology has progressed (they were taking from space with great definition). However, we also have to think how this might again affect our environment.
I wish your son a happy birthday.
Makena J. B. C. 6C
yesterday was great day it was earth day earth day and people all over the world were celebrating
I think that instead of one day for earth day it should be every day. And you should allways be green.
Nico F 6-B
Hello miss Florence I saw in TV that the ice was the size of a egg and that the window in the washing room was broken.
Keep going
Hello Mrs Florence I sw the images and they were fasinating!!
What it said was also very important.
If we don't take care of the earth in the future whe we have sons we will leave them a very dirty place to live in and a very contaminatd place so let's take care of earth for us to have a better place to live in.
hello mis florence
I think the picture swere very nice and I think it will make people take more care obout the earth.
santiago martelli
hello miss florence,
i think that earth day has to be every day, not only one day in the year. And we have to help the earth by not contaminating!!
Hello Miss Florence,
Really amazing photos, I can't believe it! At first, it was very funny what you put about your eldest son. What I saw on a video of nature really amused me. It said that animals are in a period of extinction the same as when dinosaurs disappeared. With that, I could really understand what people are doing.... At least let's look after our beloved Earth. You'd be sad if your son dies...
See you,
Axel G
Hello miss ale,
Earth day is one of my favourite day in the year is a day when we celebrate that our earth is still with as, tidy and fresh as always. But as we dont care about it the earth day is not so important, and that is were we show earth doesnt mean a lot for us. Thats going to change.
Lucia Leporati 6a
Hello Miss Florence,
I sent another comment but it said miss ale and I wanted to tell you it was for you so that you were informed.You noted that in other places on the world they care about earth in other way. For some people eath is vital for them they really care. We need to do the same
Lucia Leporati 6a
Hello Miss Florance!!!
Happy birthday to you paleontologist!!!! I think it such a wonderful act by celebrating the fantabulous earth, in only one day we must thank the wonderful and beautiful things eatrh gave us and try to reflec all the things we do to say that special thank. Throwing garbage to the floor? Use toxic things to make the ozon cape worst? Live open the water taps? Are this things wright? Are we doing the wright thing. Now a days this horrible things do happen, and some very inteligent people are starting to help poor earh to be happy and suvive. They are recicling, they found a sustunce that is not toxic and that doesn´t affect the ozon cape and many other wonderful things, and in our homes we must start doing it to. Beacuse with that little sand grain we can change alot. Thank you earth for all!!!!
See you tomorow!!
Valentina P. 6A Olivos
Hello Florence,
This day is very important for myself because I live in the earth and I want to protect earth of garbage and that kind of things. In fact, I am green person.
Bye Guido 6b
Hello Miss Florence!
I think that it is very important for us to be responsible of earth. Today earth is very damaged we can't do any thing more that take care of it today.
The article was very interesting. We need to know how to live taking care of were we live, if not where would the human race be standing. The photos were really great. I liked the one of earth, it called a lot your attention because of the colours. I liked to see this photos. You can see earth in different perspectives.
Se yo u on Friday
Hello Miss Florence
I saw the picture in lanacion.com and it was very impresive the high quality of the image. I think it is imposible to take such a picture.
Hello Miss Florence:
I think we are in seurious problems with earth because many throws stuff to ground and other things that are contaminating and someday something terrible is going to happen to us. Very good post, see you in class.
The pictures where great I think so that is one of the most important days for the earth.
Also I think that the nasa is very important.
ramiro arenas
by I see tomorrow
Miss Florence,
Sorry for getting in late bbut now I enter the science blog and I see this post. This remembers me about that day. I was playing when I remembered about the inpotrance of that day. I told all my members of my familly and they were inpresed. Then we talked all night about this. I had never thought they would be interested in my storys but they did.
This is my story, hope you enjoyed.
Alejo N.
I dont remember that it was the day of the earth but when I enter to the blog I saw his great thing that I dont remember. I told mi family but they alredy know.
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