These are the wonderful pictures I mentioned to you in class... Some are fabulous!
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and then click on "siguiente" to see these photos taken from "La Nación Online" Newspaper... Once again... what is Nature telling us?????
Have a great weekend!
I thimk the earth is telling us that we should care the planet and be a bit ecological.
like in the other post you put that was an island had dessapeard its almost the same thing.
well bye miss florence and have a nice weekend.
bye, see ya
justina 6b
there are some photos that are amazing!!!
and poor all the people who are on the airport
hi miss florece
that fotos realy shocked me it was real imprese me...
There were some photos amaizing, i think we are in a big risk, imagine if that happends to argentina.
Bye Bye
hi miss florence
I saw the photosand I think they are realy realy amaing.
I just cant belive what happned ...
lots of love...
Hello Mis Ale
What an amaizing fotos!!!!!!! Poor all the people that cant travel..
Bye Francisco.gr 6C
Hello Miss Florance
Wow nice photos!!!
I can´t belive what happend and I think what Justina said is really true we must start taking care our planet, but anyway I know it is not only now this things are happening like this but now we are older and we read articles that really shock you or we hear some news. Miss Florance were did you found such great photos do you have more?? And do you know how they did to take them...
See you bye
Valentina Papú 6A olivos
Hi Miss Florence!
It was a real chaos!
The photos were very good.
How many people dies???
I soppuse that a lot. That air isn't good for our lungs.
That contaminates a lot the earth.
How do volcanos erupt, beacause weather or because eath moves like earthquakes and tsunamis???
HI MISS FLO what a disaster in iceland. I didn t heard about that. It is very intresting and horible at the same time.
Agostina.G dodds
Hi miss Florence
I think the same idea as Justina.P it might be true that earth is sending us a message for us to recive and to act .
Anyways I had heard thatthe volcano it was so strong that it left ashes in the clouds and that is why the airplanes can't leave Europe .
I hope we don't keep on having theese awful disasters
bye see you on monday
Hi Miss Florence
I was impresed because my cousin is in London and can not return here.
Because the airports were closed
Hello miss florence,
Fire and ice all together, are a great caos. People survived????.
If we cant survive with little holes in our cars and houses how can they live with holes and steam with burned eges.
What a desaster!!!!!.
Lucia Leporati 6a
Hello Miss Florance
I can´t belive it atlantis 2, were they people leaving in th eisland??
If it was like that, it would be very risky. I heard another island had been buried under the sea. In this momment I can´t remember quite well but it was near Ireland. Have a nice week!!!
Valen P. 6A Olivos.
The pictures are increible but it sad that many people died.thise was an inceible nature disaster.
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