This amazing photo shows what happened after it rained in a few hours what it usually rains in one month in Guatemala City after the first tropical storm of the season hit it. The rains were so strong that a whole building sank into this hole...
Once again... What is our earth trying to tell us!!!!!
Hi Miss Florence
Wow That is not what I thought would happen did you imagine that miss Florence?
Poor people it must be horrible to look down yoour window and see a giant hole going dow your street
i have all these questions I hope you tell us in class with details
Hi miss florence
OHHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
how did this happende?? how can a building sink...
I bet MANY people died... (poor of them)
Ones again I think the earth is traying to tell as the same thing as in noe`s ark but no with a flood
ones again lots of love....
OOOH!, pour city, pour people. The hole was enourmes!!. I hope the can resist all this.
Mechi G.
Hello miss Florence,
As I told you last time I think the earth is trying to tell us to look after teh planet becouse if not we will not have any mor planet. Poor PEOPLE!!.We have to start recycling and not wasting a lot of things.
hello miss florence,
what a mess!!!
as i ussually tell you the earth is trying to tell us that we shoud stop contaminating the earth.
i am really worried about what is happening in the year its really horrible!!!!!
bye, justina 6b
It is incredible what a storm can make!!!!!!
Hello Miss Florece!
I never had though of what would it happen. I realy don't know how the sinkhole could have been done. I am in your side, what would the earth want to tell us? because that's a really big and deep hole from my point of view, I don't know others, but is enormous!!
See you in class
Belu b.
Hello Mis Florance
WOW, amazing!!!! I can´t belive it! Rain can make a gigantic holes?? I wish no one got hurt, but with such a big hole people can fall inside it!!! But I don´t understand it was intantaneous or it took hours and hours. THIS PICTURES YOU PUT IN THE BLOG ARE INCREDIBLE! See you tomorrow......
Valen P. 6A
I think the earth is trying to tell us not to contamineid more because something like this things are going to happen this is only the first part.
Hi Miss Florence,
In geography Patsy showed us this, and explained us what had happened.It really shoked me... I can´t believe the inmense hole was made by rain... I imagine it would be horrible be one of those houses which are very near. In Geography we saw that there was one hose wich half was floating above the hole, and the other part was in land. I think the earth made this to make us realize to take care of the earth, and appreciate what we have.
See you in class.
Milagros F. Pchica, 6B
i am impresed that hole is heught.
juanse campbell
that hole is enormous.
Hi Miss Florence,
Oh... my... I can't beieve it!!! THAT IS A GIANT HOLE!!! I first didn't believe it... but then I realised that's true. I bet lots of people in Guatemala are really scared right now... poor of them. I am really shocked too. Thinking that Earth can do this... what could happen next?! *gasps*...
I never see something similar is enormous poor people I would NOT like to be there
Hello Miss Florence,
I can't believe it. I can't imagine it if I was there?? I think that many people died. But the most important thing is that the earth is trying to tell us something as you said. I think it's because the global warming and the natural disasters.
Bye Lourdes Undem 6c
hi florence i cant belive the inmens of this crater i theink we have to be very careful what the world is showing us miguel pcjica
Hello Miss Florence!
It was a very, but very strong storm. I can't imagine to be there with all the panic. I never thought that something like that could happen. When I was going down the page blog and I saw the image quickly I thought that it was another thing, but a STORM!
But the buildings that fell into the hole were do they go the fall and fall until it touches lava or the hole isn't that deep. It really got my attention. HOW AN ENORMOUS HOLEEE!!!!!
Pour people. The people that died (well I think that if the storm was so strong to do an enormous hole like that one it could kill people) and their families that would be shocked and obviously sad.
I hope that Guatemala will get better soon.
I think that what earth is trying to tell us is that the world is coming down. There isn't peace in anything, in economy, politics and the earth is all contaminated is like 2012 to be exaggerated. When I saw the movie I got very traumatized. Well in a conclusion we have to take care of earth, without it we can't live. We have to take care of it. Don't destroy it. Human are destroying earth in many ways. With machines, today with Miss Alice we talked about the Industrial Revolution and we arrived to the conclusion that it had a positive and a negative side.
Hello Miss Florence,
When I scrowled down then of Gabor comment I saw this picture and it really astonished me, I couldnt belive it. I did not now that a building could enter in that hole, because it needed to be a little building because a big one wouldnt fit. I know terribly well what earth is trying to tell us, just as chile and haiti, we need to help our planet and the faster better. Please post more foto's as this one, I really liked it.
See you in class!
Keep on Blogging!
Lucia Leporati 6a Fleming
Hi Miss Florence,
In Geography Pasty explained us what had happened. I was very surprise. . . And I can´t believe that the rain made such a huge hole. Poor all the houses that are near the hole,and one of the houses (that was near the hole) was, half at the floor and the other half was floating above the hole. I think the earth made this to show us that we have to look after the world,and that we have to try much more to help him.
Mili P 6B
Miss Florence:
This is so amazing, luckily no one died! But lots of people bacamed un emplyed because the sinkhole was created in a factory. poor people.
See you,
Francesca m
Hi Miss Florence
WOOOOWWW I can belived what horrible it would be woalking in the street and see a hole enormous. Poor people I can't belived.
Hi Miss Florence,
It is really impressive, I never thought that a simple rain would cause that huge sinkhole!
I think that the Earth is trying to tell us that we have to look after it, because if not terrible things happen like the one on Haiti, or in Chile, and many more tremendous things are waiting if we keep on contaminating. The other day, I was watching a film that said that there is more extinction than in the dinosaur era! I am frightened1
See you,
Axel G
Hi Miss Florence
Wow that's amazing
I thought that wasn't real when I first saw it but i see it is real. I really want to know what is
this ; what provide this amzing hole? I don't really know what earth is trying to tell us but maybe she is tryng to alert us, one of the problems maybe contamination or not taking care of her but maybe it was a kind of meteorite but we don't really know. If there is more information about this please tell me I am really interested with this.
*What a great picture!!
Pierre 6a olivos
Pierre 6a
Hi Miss Florence
It is incredible what happened and also that if were there when the huge hole was made I would be very scared
hi miss florence
wow that is amaizing, i cant think what happend with the people in the city. they are ok? and the children? too many questions of what happend but i think this is not going to happen again,i think so
well what can i say the word in our home and we are not doing nothing to help him and we are not good citycents i think well that is our word in the future because we are not making much to help
kisses vani
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