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Yes... And so have I! But did you know how the resetting of the pins works? Check this How Stuff Works video,
See what you can make of this... COMPULSORY COMMENT FOR NOVEMBER 8th!!!!
Many of you have wondered what the UV index is... Well, please click on the link, and then learn about the different levels of these rays an...
Hi Miss Florence
I think that in this video it happens the same thing but you can see it from a different angle. I also liked alot this video.
Hi miss FLorence,
The red drop bounced and bounced on the water and wow the slow motion it made it betterl. There the surface tension works a lot on the drop, but the drop broke at first.
see you
Hi Miss Florence,
It is beautiful to see how the surface tension works, and it is nice to see how it splashes. You can see it easily because of the colour of the drop.
See you,
Axel G
Hello Miss Florence,
This video shows a great example of what we did in class. I liked to see it in slow motion.
Bye, Bauti m
hello miss florence,
that was really amazing but i couldnt understand when the red thing went into water and the it stayed there and a litter thing went up and i couldnt understand very much... but i did understand that friction and gravity where in there.
bye, see you in class!
justina 6B
Hi miss Florence:
This video is amazing!! when the bubble goes in the water a lot of tiny bubbles go up nand after the ball goes up with all water.
Santi.S 6B (Punta Chica)
Hello Miss Florence,
This video made me learn alot about what we are studing, kip on puting more videos like this one.
Hi Miss Florence
Its incredible how the red bubble comes in and out the water several times and goes separating.With slow motion you could see all better.
Simon Z AND Matias Y.6bpchica
Hi miss florence
It is very cool to see the red drop going out from the water. With slow motion you could see it more detailed.
Marcos E 6ºB Pchica
Hi Miss Florence,
WOOOOOW! It's amazing to watch the ball in slow motin bounce! I really enojoyed wathing the video! Thanks for posting it.
Mili F. Pchica 6B
hi miss florence i can see that the ball fall and it like bounces, it amazing.
andy k
Hi miss florence
i will sound a bit of lazy but
i saw the video 2 times but i didnt understand these video eighter!
soryy! :S
clara a pchica 6b
hi florence
i liked a lot this video because i didnt know that that happened to water drops. I liked a lot this video. It is very interesting.
uriel 6b
Hi Forence
The red drop bounced on the water and the slow motion it made it better There the surface tension works a lot on the drop, but it broke at first.
This one impreasd me more than the other because of that beautiful red colour the drop had. I like the last part because of the small bubble that stayd in the air.
Hi miss FLorence,
The red drop bounced and bounced on the water and the slow motion it made it better.I think that in this video it happens the same thing that in the other one .
It´s a great example of what we did in class.I liked to see it in slow motion.
sofi f 6c
Hi Miss Florence
I dont really understand the video.... I dont understand what was the red thing I thought that in one time iit was going to change some part of the video but.. no
Hi miss Florence
This video is so cool.The water makes a red shine drop and when it goes back the red drop get smaller.
With slow motions you can see lots of things that you never had seen!
Juan Bonora
Hi Florence:
Here we can see how the drop of water mixes with water. Also we can see how the water always forms into a sphere by nature.
Hi miss Florence
This video is really good
Its very similar to the other on but seen from another point of view
Hello Miss Florence:
This video is the same as the first one but in this one you can see how the drop enters the water closer. See you in class!!!!!!
Felipe 6B Olivos
Hi Miss Florence!
The video was amazing just like the other one. The drop doesn't touch the water because of the surface tension. The red drop "bounces in the water". That is amazing!!
Bye Bye
Bauti Vf 6C
Hello Miss FLorence:
WOW this is a grate video, I think is very similar as the last one, Frome were you take so good videos,
Well See you tomorrow,
Agustina M 6A Olivos
Hi florence
Tise video did't interest me like the other ones but I thing that what pabloo said its true.I so that whaen the boll foll on the water it came onather boll and then onatheone but smaller that is coooooollllllll!
maximo.bonora bye
Hi miss florence,
It was outstanding and amazing how the red drop went in slow motion bouncing up and down.
This video is also very short but it was a great in spite of its shortness.
See You,
Ana (olivos)
Hello Miss Florence;
It is fantastic the movement of the water and the blood falling and I would say like playing in the water.
Bye Bye Agostina G 6C
When he throw the rock it makes a bigger drop the that drop falls and that drop makes another drop more smaller drop makes another smaller drop until it disappears.
santiago fz 6c olivos
hi miss ale
it is amaizing how the red drop goes in and a smallest one comes out and again and agint till it is too small
kisses vani
Hello Mrs Florence!!
I liked a lot the video and it is incredible to see how the red drop bounces because of the sruface tension, the skin of the water doesn't break so the liquid bounces.
I have a qquestion Mrs Florence, The liquid that bounces is of another colour for us to see how it bounces? If I through a drop of water to the glass of water would it bounce like the video??
Pancu 6A
Hi Miss Florence!
Excellent video!
I didn’t know that the drops of water bounced so many times. It was amazing how water went separating and forming bubbles. I watched very carefully how the colour red went mixing with the water.
Hello Miss Florence,
This video is like the surface tension number two. I liked it because we could see what happens better, and my favorite part was when the red drop separated. It was very interesting and I hope we learn about this topic soon.
Cami 6B Olivos
Hi Miss Florence,
That drop of red water fell in that water,then a smaller red water came out from the water and fall into it, and finally the last drop or red water get into the water.
Santi G. Pchica
Hi Miss Florence,
INCREDIBLE! It´s amazing to watch the ball in slow motin bounce! I enjoyed alot watching this video!
Thank you a lot for posting it
Hello Miss Florence!
It's incredible that this ordinary red water drop in slow motion is so beautiful. You may percieve the surface tension when at first the water drop breaks.Sol P 6a Olivos
Hello Miss Florence!
It's incredible that this ordinary red water drop in slow motion is so beautiful. You may percieve the surface tension when at first the water drop breaks.Sol P 6a Olivos
Hello Miss Florence!
It's incredible that this ordinary red water drop in slow motion is so beautiful. You may percieve the surface tension when at first the water drop breaks.Sol P 6a Olivos
Miss Florence:
It is amazing how the drop of blood on the water that it goes up and down!, I did not know that the drop do all that before staing stil on the water!! It is incredible how the surface tension works!!
it is amazing!
Mechi G.
hello Miss Florence
in tis video i notice that a red drop came into a clean glass of water and it bounced and that makes little bubbles of water came up and down and it does it again but mores smaller
the video was good and it was incredibble how the drop of blood when had fell the water all the chanches it made
Hello miss florence
This video happened the same like the other one but with a different view.
bye macu
Miss Florence,
Again, it is probably the same thing happening in the last video but even bettter. Each time your videos are even more amazing!
See you soon,
Hi Miss Florence, it was very good how the reddrop makes like a crater and after it bounces back and it forms a colum, and another drop like a ball and falls again and expulsed again and forms a smaller drop and then a smaller one. It looks like a volcano erupting.
See you,
Emma.L. 6toB., PChica
it is like magic waht is that red thing??How does that happen?
nicky6b olivos
Miss Florence:
I love when I can see things that face to face I can see, for example in this video I can see many different things that perhaps when I throw something to the glass of water I cant see.
Hello Mis Florence
It was unbeliebabe. At first I thought the drop wasnt going to jump again but it like separated and then went back again in a single drop. I think surface tension made this becasue when the drop made the hole in the "skin" it made water slide and get together at the end of the hole and then tended and the drop jumped.
Fran G
THis video is just like the experiment we did in class,
WHen it falls the water sinks under it and then it like goes under and then up again, and when it goes up again it creates again in the air and falls.
It is realy amazing. There was also gravity there.
Fran M 6a
hi miss florence
this is very strange i didn t knew that a drop in water was like that
but it is a very clear example of surface tension
kisses vale g
Hi Florence
The red drop bounced on the water and it was incredible to see it in slow motion it made it much better. It was very similar to the other video.
Franco.r6b olivos
Wow, this was another VERY interesting video becuase you could see better how the drop fell and bounced again and then fell and then another time bounced and then fell and stayed there.
This two videos were great, they show very carefully a LOT about what is surface tension. The shapes are incredible, when the drop bounces it has a perfectly rounded shape.
Sofi L.
Hi Miss Florence
This video is very good think that all this is caused by a single drop. It is awsome when it goes up and down in slow motion.
See you
Hello Miss Florence,
The video was very similar to the second one. The red drop bounced on the water and slow-motion made it amazing.
Manuel 6ºB
Hi miss Florence!!
The drop goes into the water and out again, it goes in because of gravity but i don´t know why it goes up and it goes smaller.
Clari.C olivos
Hi Miss Florence!
In this video, the same thing happened as in the first video just that you see it in a different angle.
Hi Miss Florence
I love how the red bounced and shrunk each time! I never realize there was so much going on when a drip hits a puddle.
Hi missflorence
This video is the same than the other one but seen from up. This time us the droop fell faster it went out 2 times but the second much less water went out.
Wow again this video was amazing what was the red liquid.
Nicof 6b
Hy Miss Florance,
I think the video was great because you could sea all the changes in the water and how a little drop went smaller.
If you aske me this video was the same as the last video but from better angle
Hi Miss Florence,
Wow that is incredibul how the water falls and the same thing hapens with a smaller drop of the same water
Bye Belen Dumas 6a pchica
Hi Miss Florence,
This video is similar as the video of Surface Tension II. But in this case you can see the red drop falling and it bounced on the water and it like submerge and then a tiny drop came out of the surface tension.
Bye Miss Florence, See you on Monday,
Lourdes Undem 6c
Hello Miss Florence,
i noticed that is the same video but seeing it on top . In the other video i was wrong because i put that it bounce one time but it bounced two or three times.
kisses Michelle C 6B punta chica
Hi Miss Florence,
It was interesting to see the drop bounce on the water until the surface tension finally broke the drop.
Eli 6C Olivos
Is the same reaction like the other video but you can see it from another point of view. The point of view is of the outside part and the other video was from the inside part.
Hi Miss Florence
This video is amazing
And strange at the same time
Could you explain us this video to us in class because I dont understand how surface tension acts in this case
Vicky M
Its Super you can see perfect how the water drop falls into the glass, and you could also see the surface tension, this is incredible
See you
Hi Miss Florance
I left a comment in the Surface Tension II explaining what I saw in this video, becuase I use a method. I see all the videos and then I comment. But I made an error and instead of writing the comment of surfa.. tensio.. I wrote of the 2 in the one of surface tension II.
To expand what I saw in this video I can say that it was amazing to see how the drop or bubble of a red color goes in and our from the water.
Valen P.
In this video I could see that the red drop falls into the surface of the water and the surface tension makes it bounce and fall again and splash in more different drops.
Michelle 6C
Hello miss florence
Wow this post is one of the best, well all the videos are very very great!!!
It is so imprecionant how the red little drop falls and how it goes landing and staies without movement it is incredibleeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wellvsee you on monday
bye bye
Hi miss florence,
In this video the same happened, the water drop dropped and bounced on the suface tension and we could see it from a different view.
Marco 6c
Hi Miss Florence:
Wow it was AMAZING! First the bubble fell and the water splashed a lot, after that only a little. But it was unaccountable super mega AMAZING!!!
Bye Mati K. 6A P.Chica
Hello Florence,
It was very cool. The bubble fell and then it went up and a "ballon floted" and then again.But a doubt that liquid was blood?
Mati F 6A
Hi miss ale
the red drop bounced back many times and then it spalshes it was a very good slow motion and you could see very well the surface tension
sabtiago martelli
Hi Florence
Amazing how suface tension works, and how it splashes. I could recognise it easly because it was in another colour so it was easy.
Bye Tadeo S
Hi Miss Florence,
This video "Surface Tension 3" is very similar to the last one, "Surface Tension 2". This time you could see it from another angle. You can notice the ball cause it has a red colour.
See you,
Hi Miss Florence,
It is very interesting to see how the red drop bounces on the waters surface because of surface tension and how it gets smaller every time it bounces.
Lucas G. 6A
Hello Miss Florence :
WOW i did not know that there were so many stages in only a drop , it was very amazing .
Lucia G 6a
Hello miss florence
This video is almost the same but closer and you can see what happens when the water bounces on the water clearly.
Its incredible.
Juanchi.C 6a olivos
Hi miss Florence,
This video was amazing I never had saw somthing like that, the way the buble was making smaller and all this hapens in less that one second
Matias.S pchica 6a
Hi Miss Florence,
it was great to see in slow motion how the surface tension works on a red drop. It was easily to see it because of the color of the drop.
Santi B
Miss Florence:
Wow I never thought about That ... It is amazing.
Thank you for posting it.
Hi Miss Florence
This video is like the second one, you can see perfectly how the red drop bounced.
Tomas P
In this the drop bounced like in the other video.
Facu V
Hello Miss Ale,
This video is like the other, but in this one the red bubble goes down and a lot of little bubbles appear.
Giovanni 6°B olivos
Hi miss florence
I think that is really cool how the red part of the water whent up and down with difrent shapes. the surface tension was very noteable, its like the skin of water
Hi Miss Florence
I could see perfectly well how the surface tension worked. What AMAZING!
Hi miss florence
Its incredeble how thimgs channge when you see them from a differtent point of bew like in this case in slow motion
See you next class!!!
By:Dolores S.G
Hello Florence,
This video was very interesting. It was very cool when you see the little bubbles going up. I think surface tension is very cool.
Augusto.B 6a pchica
Hi miss Florence,
I think that it happened the same thing that in the other video because the red ball splushes in the water and goes up again.
Fran.T 6a
Hi florence
I really didnt understand alot the video but I understand that the red droop and bounced and betterl in very slow montion.ramiro
Hi Miss Florence,
I kiked this video. The drop just didnt stop bouncing, I never saw it like that and I would never imagine it that way.
Flora 6th Pchica
Hi Miss Florence
it is fantastic all the ripples formed buy the movements.
Slow motion as I mentioned in older posts allows us to see everything better and in deatail.
HI MISS Florence,
It was incredible how the red drop bounsed o the water and in slow motion it was great even better. in this case surface tension works on the drop, but the drop at first broke.
kisess giorgia
Hi Miss Florence
it is fantastic all the ripples formed buy the movements.
Slow motion as I mentioned in older posts allows us to see everything better and in deatail.
Hi miss FLorence,
The red drop bounced and bounced on the water and the the slow motion made it incredible. There the surface tension works a lot on the drop, but the drop broke at first.
BYE vartan
Hi Florence
The blod bounced and bounced and when it goes down its like a hole and then the red drop went up like a string and then the drop formed again It is incredible.
Hello Miss Florence!!
The red drop bounced a lot in the water! It was amazing when it went up.. There you can notice that surface tension works a lot!!
Hugs and Kisses
Belu b. olivos
It happens the same that in the other video but in another angle.This is a good video.
hi miss florence,
its incredible how the drop falls in the water and bounce in the water.
hi miss florence
it was amaizing how the red mdrop bounced on the water.
vicky.c 6ºb pchica
I saw this program in time warp.
It very strange the form that they do and you don´t notice.
But the also do it with red paper ontop and blue on the side.
Hi Miss Florence,
I saw and I think that it happens the same that in surface tension 2 but in another point of view. It is really incredible.
Thank You
Juli M.
Hi Miss Florence,
The water bounces and its red then a bubble is formed. Its incredible
Julia S
It was incredible how the drop bounsed in the water and the drop maked smaller.I think the surfise tension maked the drop bounse.
hi miss florence
It was incredible how the liquid streches when they through the object.
The liquied maked some caind of waves.
bye bye
mili olivos 6c
Hello florence
I enjoyed watching the red dot bouncing in the water in slow moution.
Miss Florence : It is the same as the other video I repeat that it is clearly shown surfaces tension.¿In which moument the drop break?.
Bauti C
6B P Chica
Hello Miss Florence
I have a question what is in the two video the red drop made of ?
This video is simmilar to the other video which is as I said before amazing and magical and more watching it in slow motion.
Marina 6b olivos
Hi florence,
As i said before, i love this water acts, and how it does it so rapidly that you cant see it. This time i identified the drop, it was colorant, wasnt it?,, when it first fell there were drops everywhere...
a question, why the waves that the drop do when it falls are round? its easy to think that because it sorrounds the drop, but is there an answer?
Love water
Fausti Van Thienen 6a pchica
Hi Miss Florence
At first I didn't undertand but then I saw the tittle saying a drop of blud in slow motion. I think is amazing because we don't see the drop coming out with the human eye.
bye bye
Hi Miss Florence
WOOW it is incredible how things change when you see them in slow motion first yo can see the water expanding when th drop fells and afterwardes the water goes up and falls again
Bye Pierre 6a
Hi Miss Florence
wow that was really amazing !!With slow motion you could see it more surface tension works a lot.....
emi h 6a pchica
hi florence the red drop bounce at the water , and its very good how surf tension works
miguel fasce 6b
hi florence the red drop bounce at the water , and its very good how surf tension works
miguel fasce 6b
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